Random Thoughts on ... Rain's Behind


Beloved Hyun Bin, kisser supreme (have you seen this? But hello! NSFW and rated 18+) is soon coming out of it, on December 6 to be exact. This feels kinda wrong - where did the two years go?! Where is my youth? Where is my life??

Beloved Rain, dancer supreme, is still in and for another year at that. Doesn't if feel like he's been gone for far longer? Time is so weird! Apparently, he is having ... fun. Who is this he is holding hands with?! And who is this touching his behind?! (via http://www.bandstalker.com/). That should be the scandal everybody is talking about, not the IU/Eunhyuk triviality!

Hands off, short guy in the suit! Rain is ours!! This applies in particular to his butt. 
Enjoy (via http://purplezest.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/rain-got-back/).