Cheongdamdong Alice ... and Love

Cheongdamdong Alice is about all sorts of love. First, and obviously, its story is. Second, it is also making me love (the story, the drama and Park Shi-hoo). And third, some sense that there could be too much love! What happened to "Park Shi-hoo and Moon Geun-young have no chemistry at all"? Well, that statement was trending yesterday, but all of a sudden, fans are suspicious that the two might be getting too friendly!
"It was also shown that these two actors looked happy talking and reading the scripts together. The two kept laughing when Moon Geun Young had to give peck on Park Shi Hoo’s cheek. Many noted that the two looked warmly at each other “too often.”
Uh-oh... Quick, somebody do something! 
In comes Moon Chae-won and saves the day:
Mash Up Story (Nice Guy + Princess' Man)
 Oh wait ... No! that was not what we wanted! EPIC FAIL!!!
(see you later tonight for more gifs ~~^^)