Falling for Innocence - Episode 15 (This is Not a Recap)
Ah cute, touching, and quite satisfactory episode. He is going to die, isn't he? (Well, in fact, I know he isn't. I'm just trying to get some tension into this)

Of course, it all goes wrong. Injuries were relatively minor, thank goodness.

Unaware of the potential doom on their horizon, our loving couple continues to discuss 'good touch' techniques.

That's my LIFE you're playing with, Kakashi!
Episode 15

Of course, it all goes wrong. Injuries were relatively minor, thank goodness.
Without magic to distract him, Awesome's little 'habit' gets out of control.
Awesome tries to convince his co-assistant that he's not 'just a pretty face.'
Awesome is quite embarrassed to learn that Min Ho shares everything with Soon Jung. Everything. Min Ho insists that open communication is the key to a good relationship.
'I want you to look deep into my eyes, and then pull really hard like this.'
Let's just assume he's talking about a magic trick.
Meanwhile, Gollum has sourced a magic bean that will give him super powers. Or so he thinks.

Unaware of the potential doom on their horizon, our loving couple continues to discuss 'good touch' techniques.
A little wand practice, a la Harry Potter - they're so playful!