
Showing posts from September, 2024

Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #470

Anne: Happy Tuesday, or Wednesday, or whenever this post is read. Hope everyone in the US had a good three-day weekend. I spent the entire weekend debating if I should work or not. Am I crazy, or am I just a masochist? But, my laziness won out, and I decided to move a training presentation to the next week instead of trying to finish it with my other 3 presentations. I have spent a lot of time watching my YouTube dramas, but I did managed to catch one main stream production. Faithful Love (流光引 ) This one is a bit hard to find based on the English title, due to the fact that there are too many other similar titles that came out this year. I can't remember why I started this show, out of all the others that aired in the last three weeks. I think it was the "God of War" mention and the "illegitimate daughter", both of which have been in my favorite short dramas lately. Well... everything points to this being a period drama of some sort...imagine my confusion when t