Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #473

Anne: Hello Drama Lovers! Yes, it has been a couple of weeks. I'm been stuck in my YouTube drama hole. I've been stuck there for quite a while. However, I did manage to finish my miniature fantasy house.

The details are pretty cool...except the bathrooms. This one, the roofs did not turn out well at all. The way they had to be put together, it was not ideal. I'll have to seriously think about this...the next time. But I do like the idea of this little house. Now... I wonder if I can get this built? If I have the money I mean... (Truthfully, I should just focus on getting a regular house.)

Okay, enough of my dreams of living in a costume drama... let's take a look at the shows I've managed to take a peek at the last few weeks (which wasn't a whole lot).

Love Next Door

Everything ended up all in their rightful place. And no, this is not the main CPs marriage photo...notice the FL is not in a dress. Actually, no one got married at the end, but the path to marriage has been laid.

The mothers are as silly as always. And for Seung Hyo's and Seok Ryu's moms, instead of comparing their own children, they have taken up comparing their "in-laws". 

Jung Mo Eum got her appointment to the South Pole. Her boyfriend and his daughter have both basically moved in with Mo Eum's mother, since they will be one family anyway. Seung Hyo's and Seok Ryu's dads get together and get drunk; this is apparently their bonding strategy. 

And the show ends with these two getting into an argument, like how they use to when they were just friends. The argument is very, every-day. Things that happen to every relationship when real life intrudes. It's very cute how they came with "rules" to follow when getting into an argument. Cute...but I certainly can't follow these: hold hands while arguing, call each other "honey", etc. 

So...my final summary. It is a cute drama that have very over-the-top family frictions that even I got tired of watching after a few episodes. I hate yelling, both ways. I don't yell, and I don't like being yelled at. Her family would have driven me insane.

The one eye candy of that family...

Seok Ryu's younger brother. Ok...yes, this slightly murky poster is the only naked torso shot...but still... This boy finally settled and got this trainer license. I don't believe I have ever seen this type of poster for any trainer in any of the gyms (when I actually exercised) I've ever been to. Maybe I've been going to the wrong type of gyms...hahahaha...

The Rise of Ning

I love this "poster"...and Zhang Wan Yi's role this time shouldn't have the tragic plot of the Lost You Forever drama, right? (At some point I'll have to finish the other one. I'll just have to FF over all the angst... although that might be a lot, since it was a lot of angst.)

The drama's FL, Luo Yi Ning, got sent "off" to live elsewhere, under the exact same circumstances as how the original Jiang Li got "sent off" in The Double. But Luo Yi Ning definitely had a much better childhood than the Jiang Li, due to the protection of her grandmother. 

Her "3rd brother", Luo Shen Yuan... notice that I put "brother" in quotes. We can all see this is a romance drama, and they really cannot pull together a CP that is blood related. They accidently met each other on her way back home. Despite he was wearing a mask, she noticed the scar on the back of his hand. 

From the very first episodes, we can tell this is a dysfunctional family. Even though her father has a new main wife, it is still the concubine (who framed the FL) who has the most power in the harem. Looks like this would be a family drama and other mystery behind it. 

The visuals are pretty...so I maybe just FF over the silly stuff and see how this all ends up!

Kill Me Love Me

I started this only for Wu Jin Yan. I really liked her in The Double. But dang it, can we not have the beginning to be THIS tragic? With Mei Lin's family killed and her revenge target set on Murong Jing He. The crazy and rumored blood thirsty prince suffered a serious injury, and everybody thinks he can't walk. They have met before. She tried to kill him once, right after the fire that killed her entire family. The fire he was accused of setting, caused the public's beating of him that caused his severe injury that apparently healed.

Forget the fact that freaking hell does his costume make up is super hot!

Yes, the man is a psychopathic A-hole of the highest order. But a VERY good looking one. Along with his character, the first kiss, exudes both a hate and attraction in the ML and FL. (Well... at least the ML...maybe not her...yet...)

Now... we all know that he was framed... Good gracious lets see how this turns out! 

Well... we all know the FL will keep trying to kill him

This is yet for this week. Both of these new dramas have a certain draw. Please just let me have my happy endings.