Random Thoughts on ... KPop Practice Videos

I am totally NOT into KPop.
But I totally am into KPop practice videos.
It's kinda like with cat videos - once you get started watching them, there's no stopping.

This, too, started with Rain. When he was drafted last year, I had a sudden desperate urge to hunt down all things Rain-related on YouTube. So I did. It took me days, but now it's official: that guy can dance! (sure, I knew that before, but now I know firsthand)

The trousers are awfully silly, but you know you're in 'love' when you do not mind. There is some practice videos of Rain with his shirt off (*gulp*) but you can go find them yourself. 
One KPop group I do know is Super Junior. I know them because I have watched quite a lot of their MVs. Even though I don't like their music. I am particularly fascinated by the size of that group. It's not just a normal boy group, it's like a company. Kudos, boys, for being able to work together for so long (even if it's in varying formations) without ripping each other's throat out! If I ever need to officially tell who my favorite KPop band is, it's gonna be SuJu.

Finding a practice video with all of them is quite a challenge so I had to go for shit quality.
Well, what can I say, there are many, many, MANY other KPop dance practice videos out there. Here is two I picked especially for you. The next boys (aka the Tasty Twins)... I think one could say that they can also dance. Heaven, they dance!! Not quite my age-class, but I can admire them for their incredible dancing skills, can I?
These darlings (Ace of Angels) just debuted. And they can also dance. This might not be the obvious choice (because I also know some KPop girl bands like Girl's Generation and they are much better), but I was rather impressed by the synchronicity of these younglings. And I love how the flick their hair. I'm going to learn how to do this next week.