Lee Jun-ki in Switzerland ... Video

"Mich laust der Affe!" ... as we say in German (Translation: I'll be a monkey's uncle.)
cr: JGFamily
There's first footage of Joongi in Switzerland! "Ich verstehe Bahnhof" (= It's all double Dutch - or rather Korean!- to me), but it's so funny to see him ride the same Rhätische Bahn train I often ride when I go see my parents (the red one). Seriously, it's weird. You would know what I mean if you had ever ridden the same small train. 

(the initial YouTube video has been removed - theres is a video on JGFamily's Facebook page! Like them, if you don't yet)

I'm over it, really (it = him being here, me not meeting him). I'm going to bake cookies now (a clear sign I am really well and happy) as it snows heavily outside. And it's great he had some fun, apparently. Thanks, Joongi, for promoting my country! (I'll do a follow-up later, telling you where he's at in the video)