
Showing posts with the label You Are Beautiful

Idol Fashion Dramatized: You're Beautiful

Just In Case Wei: Hello fellow Squeeglets! I am back again for take two (quite literally since the first draft of this post disappeared into an internet black hole) of Hongki oppa's fashion and hair. This time, we'll revisit his days as the idol band member Jeremy in the drama You're Beautiful (미남이시넹요). Like for many, Jeremy was my first introduction to Lee Hongki as an actor and idol. For me, it was instant love and adoration because how can you dislike a guy who names his dog Angelina Jolie? But while Jeremy was great as a character, there were a number of questionable fashion choices, along with his fellow bandmates played by Jang Geunsuk and Jung Yonghwa. Since JGS and Yonghwa can be pretty eye candy too, I won't leave them out! Let's take a look at the handsomest ANJells that ever walked the earth (or at least the kpop world)! Lafer aka KLnoona:  I love You're Beautiful!  And I'm so glad you included all the boys! Because there is just too much cra...

KDrama Culture Alcohol Part II - Location

In a KDrama, the setting is sometimes more important than the story.  Where an event takes place can show a lot about a character.  Whether you are are alone crying in your beer, or partying with a bunch of your best-and-brightest, the correct watering hole will set the perfect tone. “People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrow knows how to swim.” – Ann Landers TYPES OF KDRAMA DRINK LOCATIONS - POJANGMACHAS Pojangmachas are one of the most prevalent locations in KDramas to drink.  CNN included p’machas as part of their Travel site:  CNN's Guide to Pojangmachas!    In 2012, there were approximately 3,100 of them in Seoul alone.  There’s a reason for this: they offer cheap eats and lots of alcohol. ( Just a quick side note: I only included the CNN P'macha link, but in that article there are also links to various makgeolli or mixed drink bars in Seoul, in case, yunno, you want to do further research. ) They co...