kakashi: I have trouble keeping up with what day it is. Time moves incredibly fast, dammit. I watched BBC's The Musketeers , it's not exactly a good show, but the boys are really cute and very manly. Panda: Hola! I am still only watching Midsomer Murders (now on season 7) with a sprinkling of movies here and there. Saw The Old Guard on Netflix starring Charlize and Hot Jafar and it was not bad :) I keep writing down series to start; Issy has me intrigued about Song of Glory, Feather has recommended Love in Between, I have my gargantuan TBW pile and yet... SIGH. Hope everyone is staying safe. Love Sometimes I know when it is. I wake up, clean up, pour coffee, open laptop, answer emails, do things. It doesn't really matter what day it is. If it's nice I sit outside a bit. Some of my neighbors are working a couple days in the office and a couple days at home so that's not really a clue, if they're around. I'd say it's nice that we're back to exp