Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #438

Anne: Happy Tuesday all drama lovers with too much stuff to do to watch all the dramas that they have in queue. I thought I start today by telling a story about a particular friend of mine, who has the most particular luck I have ever met. For as long as I've known her, ever since she was a technician in my academic research lab, she has had the oddest luck of attracting, let's just say, "exciting" events wherever she goes. Her time as an nurse on the floor, her shift would inevitably encounter a drive by shooting, a multicar accident, the life flight would be activated, and overall general chaos may ensue. Hence, her colleagues started calling her the black cloud. Even on her recent vacation to Europe, she encountered a medical emergency on the plane. She was so tried that she was taking a nap, but then her aunt started poking her in the ribs. "Hey, someone is asking for a EMT." Without opening her eyes, she said, "I'm not an EMT." Next, her m...