Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #343

Trotwood: I feel like I'm in a morass. Kakashi sent some of us a great article last week that I shared with my staff that we are all languishing . I really feel it every day, so that even if I have time, I still am not getting as much done as I should. I clean one room and have no energy to clean another. I take things out to sort with no energy to put them back. I don't have much interest in much of anything. I know what I really need (what we all need) is a real and true break. But despite several types of vaccines all over the planet, it hasn't stopped the deaths, or the lockdowns, or the fights people are still having about people not wanting to mask or social distance. Another show, I had planned to watch with another of my favorite actors Ji Jin Hee, Undercover , premiered this weekend. Did I watch? No? Will I start next weekend? Probably not. I also know if I get two weeks behind in a show, I almost never start it, so . . . too bad, too, since this is the type of s...