Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #464

Anne: Hello Drama Lovers! Hope everyone had a good week last week and, at least, caught some interesting dramas. I've spent the last week binging watching a couple of shows to the end! (I have a patience problem with shows. I hate waiting.) In addition, I've started my next "house" project. Here are the bits and pieces that are currently completed. Most of the prep work for the "stuff" are done, and I'm starting to put together the actual frame for the house. Now...if I can only make this in real life! (Truthfully, I don't know why I even want like a courtyard with plants/flowers and water features, since I'm allergic to pollen and I unintentionally kill living fauna.) Ok...enough of my hobbies outside of my work...let's wrap up my drama viewing of the week. Blossoms in Adversity I started this a little over a week ago, and swept right through all the episodes, which was a total of 40 in under 10 days. Yes, there was some FFing. My over all ...