Drama-love is mysterious, isn't it. I had thought I had fallen out of love, for good, at least for a while, and then, BAM, drama-cupid's arrow hit me. I can't stress enough how happy that makes me, and after briefly mourning the opportunity to express my love through SqueeCapping (it's the best way to express your love), with a little help of JoAnne and just one Squeeglet, I have decided to go for it! Play catch-up that is and give this show what it (currently) deserves. I'll make the Catch-Up-Caps fairly brief though. Cause as we German-speaking people say: In der Kürze liegt die Würze. Sometimes. JoAnne: It's been a long dry spell for squeecapping, hasn't it... and now we have this, plus that Thai drama, plus Blood coming, and I think Unkind Women? Yay! becca: The rest was nice, but doesn't it feel nice to be squeecapping again? S@ki6: This show is really weird but addicting. Ooh, I'm looking forward to Unkind Women too! Episode 1 verdict: hi