Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #414

Anne: Well...vacation is over and back to the realities of life. Although I guess I didn't go that far away from reality since I refused to let my work email pile up into high triple digits and having to go through it all in one go. It was quite relaxing for the most part since I was able to ignore almost all the scheduled meetings. I did managed to watch some of the older (as in one or two years from now) Korean dramas that had been in my queue. Now on to the shows that I've watched this week. (I'm writing this as I'm catching up on this weeks episodes of Alchemy of Souls . And next week we should talk about how the CP in this drama is really Jang Uk and the Crown Prince.) Immortal Samara I was very, very excited when this show dropped all of a sudden. I have watched the first 8 or so, and it is everything that I expected it to be...for better or worse. Yang Zi plays Yan Dan, one of two last descendents of some sort of plant, and her body is basically a treasure trove ...