Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #468

Anne: Happy Tuesday Everyone! So...quick update on the hurricane that came through Texas. Truthfully, it was a tiny one, and I was lucky. Never lost power, and the trees didn't fall onto the roof. Unlike the poor people two streets down from us, they lost power for over 6 days. Even though it hasn't been as hot immediately after all that rain and wind, after 5 days, it is un-livable without air conditioning. Anyway... I haven't posted in a while due to a variety of reasons, of which work was just one little constant annoyance on top of my short attention span. Besides my binge watching of the short YouTube dramas, I've also been watching a lot of variety/talk shows. And it's the latter that has been giving me lots of entertainment lately. A lot of these shows that I watch talk about relationships and married life. Granted the couples are in entertainment, so... I tend to take what they say as more entertainment and may not be the full truth. One of the things that ...