Marry My Husband EP 1 (A SqueeCap)

Shuk: Hey everyone! Loooooooooooooooong time no see. In fact, it's been several years since I've felt the urge to squeecap a series. However, after recently finishing the manhwa "Marry My Husband", I couldn't resist dusting off my squeecapping skills for this cute little gem. And asking an old friend to tag along. Trotwood: I'm back, too. I stopped writing here in in the summer of 2021 I think. I said I would comment, and I haven't. SOOO busy. But the invite from Shuk to talk about the drama adaption of one of my favorite revenge webcomics (and revenge webcomics have become my favorite genre--so you know where my mind is) has called me back. Be prepared though. The show makes you suffer a bit before we get to anything like revenge. I'm a little concerned how they are going to fit a webcomic that has 55 packed episodes plus 10 spin-off episodes into a 16 ep drama. I saw what they did to Perfect Marriage Revenge, which was an enjoyable but a bit bland ...