Goddess of Marriage - Episode 36 FINAL (KimJiCap)

kakashi: Alright! That's it. Goddess of Marriage is done and over with. I was ready for anything and I got the worst. Of all possible endings, the writer - who is certainly going for the prize of worst script writer ever - went for the most stupid one possible. Bravo! You didn't disappoint! JoAnne: I suppose it shouldn't come as any surprise that when I logged in to Blogger and saw the title for this post I read it first as 'Episode 36 FAIL (KimJiCap) kakashi: On the bright side, there isn't a lot of Kim Ji-hoon in this episode. That is good, because it means a short KimJiCap. Oh, and another plus: the Goddess of Marriage finally appears! JoAnne: Unfortunately she's not carrying her bowl of mystical powers and no one dies (Yet, writer-nim. There's still tomorrow. You'll never know when, you'll never know how. Sleep well.)