Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #365

Anne: This week has been a very slow drama week for me. Mostly due to work. I spent a lot of time editing protocols and trying to streamline validation so that each person don't have like 150 samples and won't have to stay like 12 hours in lab. So this week's post will be very short, limited to the one show that I did finish. Hopefully, other readers were able to catch some interesting dramas that seems to be pouring out of production companies lately. I do wonder how much stock they have on the shelves. One of these days, someone should just buy the entire lot and start airing the ones that never made it on to the screen. Before we get started on the one show I finished, I have one little, little, tiny rant. What in the world is going with Chinese drama depiction of overseas research?! Is this some kind of coordinated propaganda? Why does every single scientific related show recently starts with some wacko western lab trying to "prevent" their Chinese researcher ...