Park Shi-hoo and ... his Hair

By far the most popular post on this blog is ... Lee Min-ho and ... his Hair ! It gets an average of 40 hits per day. Recently, I started wondering whether the cause for its popularity is Lee Min-hoT (as you would expect, right?) - or whether it's simply the topic: hair and hairstyles. A strong indicator for the latter: the post with the second most hits is My Top 5 ... Permed Hair . Well, let's find out. The next obvious candidate for a hair-post is not Lee Jun-ki (since he has had the floor for several days straight, all by himself), but Park Shi-hoo , whose upcoming drama I somewhat dread-anticipate, because there is nothing so far that convinces me it is going to be good. Apart from the fact that Park Shi-hoo is in it, which makes it good by definition, no? It is a weird thing with Park Shi-hoo. At first sight, he isn't very attractive or photogenic. His mouth is too large (frog-like, even), his nose is rather big, his face is round, his eyes are unspec...