Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #356

Anne: Trying a different color... I watched a bit more this week. I'm dreading Monday because it's jury duty time. I haven't gotten a notice for at least 10 years, and within 3 months of changing the address on my driver's license, I get selected! On the upside... I can spend a LOT of time watching shows as I wait in the jury pool room. (On a side note... I'm really liking this color.) Trotwood: I never get picked!! There was a point where I was hoping to be picked and be sequestered because I was so tired of regular work and I wanted an excuse not to have to respond to anyone, but alas I never get picked. (Updated on Monday night) I think everyone feels that until you actually go through one of these... I'm so glad I have unlimited data because the Voir Dire always drags on that feels like a very long and unproductive meeting. I actually never have actually been "picked" as a juror, just for jury duty into the general pool. As soon as I saw that the...