Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #388
Anne: Cedar!!! This last week, everywhere in South Texas, this has caused all sorts of issues in my sinus. The congestion and coughing the tree pollen has inflamed was worse than getting infected with SARS-CoV2. If only we could develop a vaccine against allergies! It got bad enough that I almost lost my voice on Friday. I conducted a meeting all by IM. It is a good thing that they made us all learn typing skills when I was in high school. During my academic career, I had more than one foreign graduate student who asked whether I learned typing during school. I have always thought that this was something that was taught as a general rule. But then I remember that when I was in high school, computers were just starting to come onto the market. And we learned typing on the word processor. (Two points to anyone on the blog who knows what this is.) While I was between coughing fits and sinus blockage, I was happily watching my two favorite dramas of this week. Reset I was pleasantly...