Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #418

Anne: Happy Tuesday everyone! It's been well over a week. My deadlines at work are overlapping, and I'm becoming slightly deranged with the ever constant moving target that I'm trying to hit. I have always thought it was funny that for a person who swore she will never get into a customer service industry ended up in a customer oriented industry. The irony! And this is why I never make blanket statements anymore. They always seems to come true. Now on to the shows! Alchemy of Souls Well... we all saw this ending coming right? For any seasoned watchers of any Korean drama, when the show seems to be ending and yet you still have at least one episode to go...We all know that nothing will be going right at the end. So Jang Uk died and came back to life. Mu Deok went wild and jumped into the lake but was "rescued" by we all know who...or rather I should which family. Seo Yul has that worm thing in his body (a result that I cannot understand, even with the ridiculous lo...