Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #432

Anne: Hello Everyone! Another two weeks have passed and I think I have finally climbed out far enough from the never ending hole of work, and I see a sliver of light. So exciting! I can now start getting through things that I've been putting off for...over a year. I'm not there just yet, but I am SO CLOSE! Here's something that is kind of funny. The 6 year old needed a hair cut. His bangs were falling "into" his eyes. He was complaining about it. I figured, get these bangs cut above his eye brows, and that'll give him a few months before the hair ends start to stab his eye balls again. Well...he was already making a face at the hair cut place when he looked in the mirror. And when he was taking his shower where I was washing his hair, he put on this very large frown and said that he didn't want to go to school with this hair cut. He wanted to stay home until it mostly grew back. Take a wild guess why he didn't like his hair cut...Because his eyebrows w...