Golden Era of Daughters In Law - Episode 6 (KimJiCap)

It has been more than two weeks since my last GEoDIL post! For reasons well-known to you, I would think ... had to life-stalk our lead! Too bad the meet-up didn't happen. There is no point in being too angry with him, though, since it most likely isn't his fault at all. So, let's soldier on!

Episode 6

Boksu is worried about his Dooly, who still hasn't turned up to work. Yeah, you broke her heart, you meanie! Dooly is still in bed, hiding from the cruel world and her broken heart, while her mother, the happiness coach, lectures a room full of giggling women about how you need to love yourself, be strong, and not mope after a man. 
When Boksu gets home, his sister tortures him about going to meet the "cow-like" woman - which is expected of him. His mother was even told to iron his shirts. His father also realizes that something isn't right and has a little heart-to-heart with his son ... it is clear he has a girlfriend; and his father tells him to bring her over. He will take care of everything. Oh yes. Suuuuuuuure. But, to give him some credit, he really seems to be on his son's side. The main reason: he wants a good-looking DIL.
At the same time, Dooly is finally taking things into her own hands and goes on a rage-drive. Boksu, on the other hand, mopes around on his bed. When he is called for (a meat-less) dinner (due to his mother's drunken-interlude and loss of almost all spending money), he goes out ... but he has no appetite. Yes, man ... you're doomed. It's visiting the-hippo day tomorrow.
The Sleaze is on the prowl! The flirting between him and Mijin's mother is sickening. Dooly gets back from her rage-drive ... in a VERY sexy outfit. Went rage-shopping, girl? The Sleaze has troubles closing his drooling mouth. When he hears that she broke up with Boksu, rockets go off in his pockets. She agrees to go to a company thing with him. In da sexy outfit.
At night, Boksu can no longer take it. He goes to speak to his grandmother, all determined. We do not hear what they talk about. I guess it involves marrying or not marrying the elephant.
When Mijin dolls up, all determined, her phone rings ... it's Boksu!!! He asks what she is doing, she says she's going to meet another man, but apparently, he thinks that's really cute. He tells her to come meet him. THE END. 

The Rest

Sad Second Wife is being sad in various places, including her father's apartment, while her husband now tries to track down his sad first wife and mopes around in bars and various other places. 
Menopausal MIL needs hormone therapy, she is just so damn grumpy. When her husband calls, all enraged about his son not being where he should be, she seizes the opportunity to be really ugly with her sweet DIL on the phone. Can she go up in flames already? Later, both parents are concerned about their son might be going back to"wandering" again.

Sad Second Wife meets Temperamental photographer over noodles. They exchange a few words. Sparks are flying. NOT.

Boknam and Mijin's brother Inwoo keep NOT hitting it off with each other over a very funny discussion about a specific dog (Siberian Husky) in her script.
Final Comments

We are nearing the YouTube-accessible episodes! Join me, crowd, in watching this zippy-funny drama!