Love & Destiny 三生三世宸汐缘 - Episode 17 (Recap)
kakashi: The ice block is a puddle of goo. Oh, or a poodle of goo, hehe.
JoAnne: Well the little fairy is kind of irresistable.
Bunny: We all knew the poodle wasn't gonna be able to stay away for very long.
When I was a kid we had an appropriate response: Tough titties!
D'awwwww Beasty recognizes who Daddy is (and so do I... *swoons*)
Down below, Ling Xi is trying to free her monster friend the Sky Eater from its chains, in vain. When Zhong Hao appears and orders her killed, the Sky Eater throws her onto his back and flies away. So... who broke the chains? Couldn't it have just done that earlier?? No matter because Sky Eater goes straight where the fun is (Kunlun terrace) and destroys all the horrible decor the Queen Mother of the West has amassed. It then escapes. With Ling Xi on his back. That, again, doesn't go down well.
The optics, as they like to say at my work, are not good. (I hate that phrase.)
Did any of them see Ling Xi riding on the back?
Sadly, Sky Eater is also dying - yeah, immersed in that pool for too long. The first to get to Ling Xi and the dying beast is Zhong Hao who finds it quite remarkable that the monster regards her as its master... as if she were the Demon King. And then, he decides to kill Ling Xi.
That probably won't end well for you, Zhong Hao.
Wow, that lightbulb moment went to waste.
That's not that easy though. Sky Eater jumps in between her and the Demon King's blade that Zhong Hao throws in her direction. The blade returns to Zhong Hao and Sky Eater disintegrates... leaving one very angry Ling Xi behind who kinda... zombies out and shoots at him from the Sand Apple Watch. Well, it kinda gives away that she's the one Zhong is looking for.
That was very cool, I thought. She changed well. Naturally.
Nooooooooo. Why did Big Beasty have to die TT________TT So noble........ Can we just all acknowledge who's clearly the real Second Lead here? It ain't that bald guy.
Before Zhong can do anything else nasty, GoW arrives at the scene. Fight, fight, fight! But GoW is major distracted, he sees the Demon Energy come off Ling Xi and he turns his back on his enemy (I mean.....) to heal her. He gets wounded but manages to chase away Zhong Hao pretty quickly.
Priorities, after all.
I like his sword moves.
Le Bo, alerted by that box that vibrates, rushes to the Heavens to find his daughter, but nah... not there. Really not there. GoW is also not there. They're not there together.
It takes him a long time to believe it. But why would they lie?
They're at the Abyss House, GoW means to heal her with his inner power. Ooooookay....
And then she'll have to nurse him again, rinse and repeat.
Is he using his energy to cleanse her of demon energy? They keep showing us her little ear tattoo and I'm not sure what we're supposed to be noticing.
After he's done, he throws her smoldering looks while she sleeps. Then, he stares sadly at her necklace that is now broken. Too much Demon Qi, I guess? Warranty no longer valid?
Taking bets: do they end up together or NOT?
These two? Did you not read the title? It's DESTINY.
When Ling Xi wakes up she goes in search for her Supreme God immediately, finding him meditating, what else. She rushes to him and hugs him close. That also makes her realize he's wounded.
He seemed to enjoy that, no?
Idk but I sure did. That hug was so freaking cute goddammit. These moments as their relationship starts to change gives me the major feels.
And off the clothes come! She attempts to heal the nasty cut but that doesn't work. Because it's from a Demon Blade. So it has to heal the normal, human way? Well, Ling Xi wants to kick whoever did this to her GoW's ass and he FLICKS HER FOREHEAD (nose?), gaaaaaaaaaaaah, dead. She should have undressed him sooner, he's nicer this way!
The forehead flick was so cute, but the way you say all that makes it sound like someone wounded GoW's ass so I laughed really hard. I know I had to read that twice too!!
Oups...... ............. :D I'm sure his ass is TOTALLY FINE.
On another note, I want a refund - we need more skin, Chang Chen. Mark gave us a whole arm and half a chest in Peaches. Hmph.
Ling Xi is depressed about Sky Eater's death but it's when GoW tells her what a horrible monster Sky Eater usually is that she realizes how much trouble she is in."Are you willing to return to the Peach Forest?" he asks. When she doesn't answer, he adds: "Or do you want to stay at Congji Abyss." That cold, lonely place with nothing... only him. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah. He's so shy when he asks her.
Enough to warm even a frozen block.
His shy face kills me. Can this man get any more adorable?
She wants. And to seal it, she puts her head on his knee. And then fishes for it, saying she will stay even though he said he doesn't like her and even if he chases her out... cutest aegyo follows... until GoW cracks a smile and says he won't chase her out and PUTS HIS ARM AROUND HER SHOULDER. They totally slept together after this, are we in agreement?
Absolutely yes
NO! No no nononononoooooo. Too sooooooooooon. Too soon!
While Le Bo tells Qing Yao everything about Ling Xi in the Peach Forest, Yu Li (that bi$$$) tittle-tattles everything that happened at Kunlun to the Heavenly Emperor. She was at Kunlun too and Qing Yao used a sleeping spell on her so she couldn't cause trouble, but now she's awake and causing trouble. Heavenly Emperor orders Ling Xi captured and questioned (Yun Feng volunteers). That, we know, is only step one.
Yun Feng! You think you're protecting your pal but he won't appreciate this!
Oh no... this is where shit starts hitting the fan. I can't watch.

Not sure it's very good or very bad timing, but Jiu Chen appears in his armor to report on Demon Blade's reappearance. The Heavens go on DEFCON 2. Ah, it's a diversion - Yun Feng suspects as much. He tells GoW to be very careful about hiding away Ling Xi who could be a threat... but GoW is confident that he's got this.
He does got this. He is the 90-Day Fiance Andrei of this show.
Excuse me, who?
As if, the dummy. After ordering his generals to deploy troops against Zhong Hao, he soon leaves the Heavens again, with Baizhe Beast in his arms. Yuan Tong sees him. And follows him. And hence sees Ling Xi at the front door.
I never said Andrei was perfect.
Poor baby has to play this waiting game by herself. And has no idea what the heck's going on. I'm getting a little cranky for her. We need answers and explanation, Jiu Chen. We need it now! Don't think you can just drop off a cute puppy and call it a day (although that does help).
Reminder: Jing Xiu doesn't want Zhong Hao dead because he's the only one who can seal/unseal that Abyss the Queen's father sits in. Thus, when Jiu Chen's men battle Zhong Hao et al. and Jiu Chen comes by to personally take care of it, Jing Xiu lets his evil plants intervene. Zhong Hao is safe. For now.
I was wondering about that. I just figured Jiu Chen doesn't kill unless he absolutely has to.
But why does Zhong Hao have such powers?
Cause the show says so.
That's because ice has to melt if the sun shines on it.
Well isn't that lovely and poetic. How am I supposed to follow that?
So... the first time I watched this scene, I was a little annoyed. The way their bodies are positioned (more of him being elevated and looking down on her), plus her childish mannerisms in order to get his attention and approval, I remember I cringed through the whole thing. But upon rewatching, I'm totally digging it. Picking up on a lot more symbolism. In terms of progressive relationship development, this show gets it.
But poor Ling Xi. That's no existence in that cold, lonely place, pining away for a man who can pay a visit only occasionally! That's kind of like a mistress who gets hidden away from the jealous wife (in his case, that's the Heavens and all the unpleasant people in it). Well, this phase won't last long, Yuan Tong will certainly make sure of it!!!!!
I'll be grateful to her, honestly.
Yessss, secret mistress is the perfect analogy.
JoAnne: Well the little fairy is kind of irresistable.
Bunny: We all knew the poodle wasn't gonna be able to stay away for very long.
Episode 17
Poor Sky Eater is going to disintegrate soon and all these people have come to eat Peaches, watch its gruesome death, and later eat elixir made from its remains. Gruesome! The God of War appears at Kunlun and is welcomed by everyone. Quite unexpectedly, Baizhe Beast jumps on Jiu Chen's lap from that messenger's sleeve (beast iz shooo cute) and when the Queen Mother expresses an arrogant wish to own it, the God of War tells her he can't give it away, it belongs to that fairy of his and Queen Momma can go ask her nicely. That doesn't go down well with everyone.When I was a kid we had an appropriate response: Tough titties!
D'awwwww Beasty recognizes who Daddy is (and so do I... *swoons*)
Down below, Ling Xi is trying to free her monster friend the Sky Eater from its chains, in vain. When Zhong Hao appears and orders her killed, the Sky Eater throws her onto his back and flies away. So... who broke the chains? Couldn't it have just done that earlier?? No matter because Sky Eater goes straight where the fun is (Kunlun terrace) and destroys all the horrible decor the Queen Mother of the West has amassed. It then escapes. With Ling Xi on his back. That, again, doesn't go down well.
The optics, as they like to say at my work, are not good. (I hate that phrase.)
Did any of them see Ling Xi riding on the back?
Sadly, Sky Eater is also dying - yeah, immersed in that pool for too long. The first to get to Ling Xi and the dying beast is Zhong Hao who finds it quite remarkable that the monster regards her as its master... as if she were the Demon King. And then, he decides to kill Ling Xi.
That probably won't end well for you, Zhong Hao.
Wow, that lightbulb moment went to waste.
That's not that easy though. Sky Eater jumps in between her and the Demon King's blade that Zhong Hao throws in her direction. The blade returns to Zhong Hao and Sky Eater disintegrates... leaving one very angry Ling Xi behind who kinda... zombies out and shoots at him from the Sand Apple Watch. Well, it kinda gives away that she's the one Zhong is looking for.
That was very cool, I thought. She changed well. Naturally.
Nooooooooo. Why did Big Beasty have to die TT________TT So noble........ Can we just all acknowledge who's clearly the real Second Lead here? It ain't that bald guy.
Before Zhong can do anything else nasty, GoW arrives at the scene. Fight, fight, fight! But GoW is major distracted, he sees the Demon Energy come off Ling Xi and he turns his back on his enemy (I mean.....) to heal her. He gets wounded but manages to chase away Zhong Hao pretty quickly.
Priorities, after all.
I like his sword moves.
Le Bo, alerted by that box that vibrates, rushes to the Heavens to find his daughter, but nah... not there. Really not there. GoW is also not there. They're not there together.
It takes him a long time to believe it. But why would they lie?
They're at the Abyss House, GoW means to heal her with his inner power. Ooooookay....
And then she'll have to nurse him again, rinse and repeat.
Is he using his energy to cleanse her of demon energy? They keep showing us her little ear tattoo and I'm not sure what we're supposed to be noticing.
After he's done, he throws her smoldering looks while she sleeps. Then, he stares sadly at her necklace that is now broken. Too much Demon Qi, I guess? Warranty no longer valid?
Taking bets: do they end up together or NOT?
These two? Did you not read the title? It's DESTINY.
When Ling Xi wakes up she goes in search for her Supreme God immediately, finding him meditating, what else. She rushes to him and hugs him close. That also makes her realize he's wounded.
He seemed to enjoy that, no?
Idk but I sure did. That hug was so freaking cute goddammit. These moments as their relationship starts to change gives me the major feels.
And off the clothes come! She attempts to heal the nasty cut but that doesn't work. Because it's from a Demon Blade. So it has to heal the normal, human way? Well, Ling Xi wants to kick whoever did this to her GoW's ass and he FLICKS HER FOREHEAD (nose?), gaaaaaaaaaaaah, dead. She should have undressed him sooner, he's nicer this way!
The forehead flick was so cute, but the way you say all that makes it sound like someone wounded GoW's ass so I laughed really hard. I know I had to read that twice too!!
Oups...... ............. :D I'm sure his ass is TOTALLY FINE.
On another note, I want a refund - we need more skin, Chang Chen. Mark gave us a whole arm and half a chest in Peaches. Hmph.
Ling Xi is depressed about Sky Eater's death but it's when GoW tells her what a horrible monster Sky Eater usually is that she realizes how much trouble she is in."Are you willing to return to the Peach Forest?" he asks. When she doesn't answer, he adds: "Or do you want to stay at Congji Abyss." That cold, lonely place with nothing... only him. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah. He's so shy when he asks her.
Enough to warm even a frozen block.
His shy face kills me. Can this man get any more adorable?
She wants. And to seal it, she puts her head on his knee. And then fishes for it, saying she will stay even though he said he doesn't like her and even if he chases her out... cutest aegyo follows... until GoW cracks a smile and says he won't chase her out and PUTS HIS ARM AROUND HER SHOULDER. They totally slept together after this, are we in agreement?
Absolutely yes
NO! No no nononononoooooo. Too sooooooooooon. Too soon!
While Le Bo tells Qing Yao everything about Ling Xi in the Peach Forest, Yu Li (that bi$$$) tittle-tattles everything that happened at Kunlun to the Heavenly Emperor. She was at Kunlun too and Qing Yao used a sleeping spell on her so she couldn't cause trouble, but now she's awake and causing trouble. Heavenly Emperor orders Ling Xi captured and questioned (Yun Feng volunteers). That, we know, is only step one.
Yun Feng! You think you're protecting your pal but he won't appreciate this!
Oh no... this is where shit starts hitting the fan. I can't watch.

Not sure it's very good or very bad timing, but Jiu Chen appears in his armor to report on Demon Blade's reappearance. The Heavens go on DEFCON 2. Ah, it's a diversion - Yun Feng suspects as much. He tells GoW to be very careful about hiding away Ling Xi who could be a threat... but GoW is confident that he's got this.
He does got this. He is the 90-Day Fiance Andrei of this show.
Excuse me, who?
As if, the dummy. After ordering his generals to deploy troops against Zhong Hao, he soon leaves the Heavens again, with Baizhe Beast in his arms. Yuan Tong sees him. And follows him. And hence sees Ling Xi at the front door.
I never said Andrei was perfect.
Poor baby has to play this waiting game by herself. And has no idea what the heck's going on. I'm getting a little cranky for her. We need answers and explanation, Jiu Chen. We need it now! Don't think you can just drop off a cute puppy and call it a day (although that does help).
Reminder: Jing Xiu doesn't want Zhong Hao dead because he's the only one who can seal/unseal that Abyss the Queen's father sits in. Thus, when Jiu Chen's men battle Zhong Hao et al. and Jiu Chen comes by to personally take care of it, Jing Xiu lets his evil plants intervene. Zhong Hao is safe. For now.
I was wondering about that. I just figured Jiu Chen doesn't kill unless he absolutely has to.
But why does Zhong Hao have such powers?
Cause the show says so.
Squeeeeeeeee, he smiled and hugged her! I like that he has just given up pretending he doesn't care for her, bam, just couldn't keep resisting any more.That's because ice has to melt if the sun shines on it.
Well isn't that lovely and poetic. How am I supposed to follow that?
So... the first time I watched this scene, I was a little annoyed. The way their bodies are positioned (more of him being elevated and looking down on her), plus her childish mannerisms in order to get his attention and approval, I remember I cringed through the whole thing. But upon rewatching, I'm totally digging it. Picking up on a lot more symbolism. In terms of progressive relationship development, this show gets it.
But poor Ling Xi. That's no existence in that cold, lonely place, pining away for a man who can pay a visit only occasionally! That's kind of like a mistress who gets hidden away from the jealous wife (in his case, that's the Heavens and all the unpleasant people in it). Well, this phase won't last long, Yuan Tong will certainly make sure of it!!!!!
I'll be grateful to her, honestly.
Yessss, secret mistress is the perfect analogy.