Rants and Weekly Raves #312 (RAWR)
JoAnne: I think I watched some dramas, this week has been a blur. I did. I watched Flower of Evil, Alice, and Missing. And maybe an episode of the new Lee Yuri weekender? The struggle to save perfectly good belongings from the trash bin continues. And I've cooked several times! I'm not supposed to be having to cook! In fairness, I offered in order to avoid take out.
kakashi: I'm just shell-shocked. I guess the semester has started well? Everybody is wearing a mask. Time moves too quickly, I haven't watched one second of anything and I don't wanna.
Panda: Not seen any dramas, just been reading my books and watching the occasional Poirot or Sing on. How's everyone doing?
Day 17 with the new bosses. Yesterday we bagged up most of the spare room, which has been a repository of sorts for over a decade. They got rid of my sort of beat book cases and brought in different, sort of beat book cases. I was allowed to keep classics, Stephen King, Gregory McGuire, Jodi Picoult (because they belong to the Big Boss), cook books and craft reference books. Reference only. No books of patterns as 'the styles are outdated.' I am typing this in stolen moments between peeling potatos and chopping onions for shephard's pie. The new bosses are outside in the sunshine. Send chocolate.
Too much teaching. Too much work. I have lots of chocolate though, JoAnne.