Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #361

Anne: The first week of school is over and I have come to a realization... 5 year old conversations...if they were spoken by a group of adults, everyone would think they were insane, or at least mentally unstable. My son came home one day and this was the stream of words that came out of his mouth, in all seriousness, "Phoebe says that she's going to teach me magic. She says she knows magic and can do all sorts of stuff. But I think she's fooling me. Because I don't think she knows magic. Angel knows magic. He says that he can turn his dad into a penny. That's pretty cool, I think." What do I follow this up with? All I did was nod and went, "Oh, I see..." Now I want to know what other "discussions" have been happening with no adult supervision. The other thing I wonder... maybe this is how some of the drama writers have been getting their inspirations. It would make a LOT of sense. This week I started a few new shows, and not all of them ar...