Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #423

Anne: I actually debated a bit about whether I should write this week or not. But the little boy went to sleep a WHOLE 40 minutes earlier than he usually do, and I find myself with time on my hands, mostly because I decided to ignore whatever work (read that as documents and all the related stuff) that continues to circle me. Besides the client related work, I ended up taking a large chunk of our lab moving project. It's a long, long story of my struggle of getting alignment. I finally just gave up and took charge of it all. I take the fact that no one stopped me as agreement. And my need to know all is giving me a lot of anxiety when it comes to the 6 year old's "project". I KNOW they have a class project where he worked on a biography in class for 2 weeks. He was suppose to turn in the "report" TODAY. And he has a presentation on Friday dressed as a famous historical figure. The problem is, every time I ask him about the project, his reply is always, ...