Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #430

Anne: This is my second attempt to write this post... I accidently erased everything when I was ALMOST done!!!! Stupid automatic saving!!! Ah!!! It's like my thesis all over again. That time, I erased an entire chapter. So...let's see how much of my brilliance I remember... I started by saying that I spent a lot of time watching shows and while I was writing...and that I finally have time because I was done with the documents. Also...I have learned a skill I never though was necessary: how to monster-proof a 6 year old's bed from the monster living underneath his bed. Who knew that a fort of pillows was the deterrent. Anyway... on to the shows... or rather just one show that I REALLY liked. My Uncanny Destiny So... I was saying before that I started this because I was taking a break from my other dramas. Even from the start of episode one, I raised my eyebrow at how Liu Xuan Ming's dad died and its relation to Ye Zhao Nan's birth...which forever started a life lon...