Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #443

Anne: Another week goes by...and South Texas continues to suffer from a heat wave... And a hail storm at the same time. It happened last week, over 100F outside, and it hailed. Granted, the hail didn't last very long and turned into heavy rain, but it lasted enough that my husband decided to move his car under cover. I just stayed dry inside the house, as that is why we pay for car insurance. Besides the crazy weather outside, I have finally finished the first 3 weeks of being a space camper's chauffer. However, on my very first day off from work and the 6 year old's "off" week, we are going BACK to NASA because he wants to do all the other stuff that they have for visitors. I told him that if he wants to be an astrophysicist, he needs to learn a lot more math. My mundane life of work and home is barely broken by the potential return of some interesting dramas. Now, I don't men that I have watch all that many. For some odd reason, I started to FF through Immo...