Marry My Husband Ep 5 (A SqueeCap)
SHUK: We established that our Hottie Boss Ji-hyuk has also transmigrated into the past. So there are at least two people trying to change their sad sad pasts. I wonder if there are any others that might throw a monkey wrench into things. Also, is Ji-hyuk becoming a bit…stalkerish?
Trotwood: He's a stalker. In this life and the past life so stalker squared? But I'd welcome this giant green flag stalker any day of the week into any room in my apartment. I wouldn't even make him take off his big shoes!
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Snakey has bolted down the cray cray path... |
Based on the shortened screen, we are in another flashback. A group of ten guys surround our young Ji-hyuk and celebrate by spraying him with champagne. After the ritual, the gang heads out to drink. But suddenly, Sadoko!?
No, it’s just a young and thoroughly drunk Ji-won. Ji-hyuk sees a couple of hooligans speculating on her ability to resist their advances, and he decides to accompany / guard her. She’s too inebriated and staggers into him. She blurts out that her father recently died, and she just broke up with her boyfriend. She only has one friend who is strangely incommunicado. Second stumble and she crushes her fallen glasses. Also, she’s biting on Ji-hyuk’s shirt; he’s just a blurry face to her.
She is so alone and drunk and sad. Thank goodness we have a green-flag stalker around because she would have been in a lot of trouble. And where is that damn friend? She just lost her dad? Snakey should be here.
Snakey is prolly stirring her Evil Cauldron and cackling at Ji-won's pain. She seems to enjoy that waaay too much, IMHO.

The pair end up drinking in a nearby park. He sneaks her a soft drink which she happily takes as if it’s a fresh beer. They speak of many things, cabbages and kings. Her mother disappeared, and her father passed away. She is also convinced that her ex-boyfriend stopped seeing her because he likes her pretty, nice, and cute friend better. Clearly even back then, her self-image was in the pits.
Clearly, back then Snakey and Weasel were already flirting right in front of her face!
She feels like she is in a rocking boat looking for some stability, so she is a loser. He muses that he must be too, since he lost his mother and his father remarried, so he got a stepmother and a new sibling. She agrees that he is really a loser. His step family isn’t bad, and his father found happiness a second time as well which is something her dad never did.
That man deserved all the happiness he could get. I feel sorry every time I see him in one of her flashbacks and every time she thinks of him.
They clink cans and she leans into his warmth. He clumsily gives comfort, and they agree that neither of them are losers with solid people by their side. This continues into the night, until they both are asleep under the stars. He briefly wakes up and stares at her sleeping face with a smile.
This was really a nice moment. One not in the webcomic (that I can recall) but a really nice addition. They are both so lonely, and even then, they were such a comfort to each other. In fact, this entire sequence from university is not in the original. I usually resent such additions when I know the writers are going to have to cut so much that is good from the original to fit into the episode count. But I didn't mind any of this.
Under the bright sun of morning, though, he wakes up, and she is gone. Nothing proves her presence but the jacket he draped over her and a few cans. Now we see how he relates to the Chicken Guys. Apparently in college all three were in a MMA club. Delivery Guy puts up a good fight but eventually loses to Ji-hyuk.
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Everything is food with these guys! |
Outside the building where the dojo is located, Ji-hyuk is cooling down from the fight and hears a familiar voice. He looks over the stairs to see Ji-won talking about that ugly old man she woke up next to at the park. She is dissing him to a tiny orange kitten, and he realizes she’s an upperclassman at university.
It's funny that she remembers him so badly. I wonder how much of it is her embarrassment.
I think a good part of it, since I'm sure she woke up sniffing and cuddling his jacket.
We get a series of days where he watches her feed the kitten. He begins to interact with the feline when Ji-won isn’t there; he gives it treats (acting like it will rip his hand off); he builds it a small wooden shelter for bad weather (which Ji-won furnishes). Based on the changes in clothing, this goes on for some months. At one point he runs in front of a car when the kitten wanders into the street.
They are already co-parenting!!
Then it’s 2011, and he joins his grandfather’s company, only to be introduced to Ji-won as the newest graduate of Hankuk University joining the marketing team. Manager Kim was a azzhat even then; so was Min-hwan who acted inappropriately at work but clearly was already dating Ji-won.
Because neither of them care and have such inflated egos that I'm surprised that everyone around them doesn't pass out from the toxic gasses they must be exuding.
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Even the light loves him! |
The flashbacks finally end, and we are back in 2013. Boss now gets his own slow strut into work with his new softer look. Ji-won approves!
HOT!!! He's on fire. It's amazing what having clothes that actually fit will do to a person.
Weasel sees her smile and decides to reprimand her in a nearby meeting room. He starts out that all men cheat and love what is new, and she should do her best to not draw attention to other horny guys. She asks him if he would cheat on her; he hems and haws before saying he is the exception to the rule. Ugh.
The double standard here is the thing that makes me want to vomit. He wants her to want him and toady to him and follow him not only without him having to make any effort to woo her but without any need to actually treat her with respect.
She gets called by the Nice Girls (Sunny and Ms Yang) and they head out together. Weasel stares back and thinks Ji-won is much prettier than before. Snakey breaks into his line of sight and he bolts awake, sweating. I think he’s a really shallow villain, but it kiiiiinda looks like he is at least putting up a token fight not to cheat on Ji-won?
Not buying it. He's just concerned that now she looks good and healthy, someone else might want her. He just doesn't like anyone playing with his toys even if it is toy he throws away half the time.
All the office girls are swooning over Boss’ new look. I’m sure Trot is loving the vests, no?
You know I was screaming at the vests (that actually fit).
Boss gets a phone call from his financial advisor, wondering about his current stock portfolio. We also see Grandpa in his office speculating on why his grandson is keeping Rosenthal stock when their own analysts can’t confirm its continued rise. Uh oh, the Butterfly Effect is making itself known.
In the employee lounge, they are still talking about Hot Boss’ hotness.(fanning myself) Ms Kim is married, so she’s not interested. Sunny shakes her head that he’s not her type. Ji-won smiles at her young BFF and thinks she is like this because she’s dating him.
Can't wait until this is cleared up. But it would be the type of thing someone says who is trying to hide their relationship.
They talk about the meal kits, and Sunny shows off her knowledge of farming and seasonal vegetable availability. Their happy conversation is brought to a complete halt by Snakey. She plops herself down next to Ji-won and starts her usual green tea needling. The other two’s BS Meters are pegged, and they clearly know Snakey is fakey.
Manager Kim, that slimeball, jumps in and starts browbeating everyone. How in the heck has he been there since at least 2011 and no one has knocked his light out?? Seriously! How many good employees have left for other jobs because they couldn't stand his abuse?
A second thought: Isn't this the Female Employee Lounge? Why is it tolerated for him to just barge in??
He forces Ji-won to play valet and move his car to a better space. When she returns, Ji-won just knows that Snakey will be waiting by the elevator to commiserate and cling. Snakey gets aggressive when Ji-won doesn’t respond, and warns her that they are friends until one of them is dead.
That is NOT the flex she thinks it is. Even if we didn't what happened in the first life, this comment would still be creepy.
Manager Kim pulls Ji-won into a meeting room and grandly tells her that she sucks and her meal plan idea will be handled by him, his buddies, and Snakey. If she works with them, he might add her name back.
Piss off!
After leaving the room, Ji-won realizes that the past arc is still in play; after the meal proposal is accepted, Snakey will get the credit not her. She tries to figure things out her in head when she is interrupted by Hot Boss.
He invites her to dine with him, but not in a work environment way. She apologizes, but she has personal matters to attend to. He takes her rejection with grace. Not happy, though.
Her personal matters? She is meeting up with Cute Chef at a wine café. They share a bottle of red wine from 1999, which is when they first met (14 years ago?). They blah blah about hints of this and that, scents, the smooth finish, and all the winey things I never understand.
Me, neither. I just know that Cute Chef is cute and not the end game, so his cuteness and seemingly genuine niceness makes me sad.
He’s ready to open every bottle they have, but she stops him with just the one bottle. Ji-won invites him to a meal, but he’s already eaten.
Meanwhile, Weasel is trying to call her, so they can get together that night. But since she isn’t picking up, he calls Snakey to see if Ji-won is with her. She, of course, digs a little by implying that maybe she’s stepping out on him, just like her mother. Her snakiness knows no bounds and she really delights in manipulating everyone.
Talking smack about your best friend's mother when you know that's a pain point is a new low. Not surprising because she's shovels to dig deeper and go lower, but still terrible.
At the café, Cute Chef is a little tipsy and starts talking about Ji-wo’s high school rejection. He brought the letter as promised, and Ji-won understands that Snakey wrote it in her own handwriting. She gets goosebumps thinking about Snakey’s abilities to infiltrate and manipulate her life.
Even back then, Snakey wanted to keep her to herself because it's not like she wanted Cute Chef. She just didn't want Ji-won to have him.
Outside the bar, she knows that Cute Chef still likes her, but she has to maintain her relationship with Weasel until it can be resolved. She tells him she has a significant other; Cute Chef thinks it’s Boss. He explains that Boss told him about the reunion and pushed him to go and help her out. Ji-won is a bit confused now. And all this is seen by Boss, who is sitting in his SUV a short distance away.
Hot green flag stalker!
Later that night, Cute Chef is drinking with his manager friend who sympathizes with the rejection. Cute Chef mentions that others have feelings for her too. Poor kid. Well, he’s about 33 IRL, but he still has that baby face that makes you want to pinch him.
Yup. I can't get over that he's in his 30s. However, it's helpful because it makes me feel a bit less like a cougar since he's older than my children.
Boss is heading home while thinking about Ji-won’s smile. He tries to call her, but she has turned her phone off. She was at the pharmacist for her gastritis meds and got tired of Weasel’s calls. On the way home, though, she hears strange footsteps and gets spooked. She starts running only to be grabbed by Weasel. He thought it was amusing to frighten her to teach her to stop standing out to attract men.
It's like he and Snakey are in a competition to see who can be the worse asshole.
He looks at her outfit and makeup and assumes she is on the prowl just like her mother. Ji-won knows that Snakey talked to him about her mother. Weasel gets handsy, bruising her wrist and demanding she tell him where she’s been. The BGM gets ominous as he starts to threaten her.
Suddenly, he gets grabbed and flipped over into the sand. Angry Hot Boss is angry! Green-flag stalker to the rescue!! He grabs Weasel by the lapels and starts to choke him against a wall, all the while staring into that azzhat’s microscopic soul. Ji-won is frightened and yells at Boss to let go. He finally does, and Weasel bolts away like the cowardly bully his is. Once he’s far enough away, he kicks some trash but ends up on his butt. Hah!
On a small park bench, Boss offers her vending machine coffee. He tries to say he has business nearby, but she doesn’t believe him. He comes clean that he’s worried Weasel will injure her. After all, violent people don’t change and only get more violent if they aren’t stopped.
Ji-won wonders how Boss can see how violent Weasel is when she had no idea before her marriage. Boss says that no one is allowed to touch a hair on her head. Aww!
She decides to put her foot down. While it was nice to see Weasel scared, Boss’ actions are making her uncomfortable. Since he already has someone, he should maintain his distance. He is confused until he understands she is defending Hui-yeon.
Because she is a true friend unlike the Snakey.
Snakey is skulking about the shrubbery, planning on watching Ji-won get manhandled by Weasel thanks to her ‘accidental’ revelation. But all she sees is Boss and Ji-won.
The pleasure she derives from watching Ji-won suffer is so distasteful to me, but it also makes me curious. In fact, I think her relationship with Ji-won is more interesting than Weasel's relationship with Ji-won. Why does she need to see Ji-won suffer to feel good? I want to know about their past and what about it set the pattern for her behavior.
Boss begs her to hear him out. He pulls out his phone and puts it on speaker. Sunny is labelled “The Most Beautiful” and he calls her.
A sleepy annoyed voice answers and threatens him with perdition. When he says “I love you”, Sunny hangs up, then calls back and orders him to take himself off their family registry. They are siblings!
Poor Ji-won widens her eyes and quickly apologizes for her huge misunderstanding. Boss will accept her apology as long as she knows he likes her. A lot.
How did Ji-hyuk get so morose with Sunny as a sister?!?!
I bet she was a handful back then, and he had to get her out of trouble like the good steady older brother.
He walks Ji-won back to her place. She prettily thanks him and without a word, he moves closer and closer… and collapses in her arms.
Well, that was certainly an interesting ending. They haven’t been in the rain, so this isn’t the Fever From Unapproved Water trope. I hope he isn’t the recipient of her cancer diagnosis. Oh no Show! This is still a romantic comedy, right?
It's a Korean drama. We started with cancer and a murder. One of the best characters is already dead (Ji-won's father). In Kdrama rom-coms, I've seen even someone from the main couple die in the end. As long as there is romance and some laughs . . .