Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #462

Anne: Hello Drama Lovers! Well...the year of the dragon is proving, once again, bringing challenging situations to fellow dragon year born people. Ok, I'm exaggerating, but we are only getting close to April and already have issues where I'm bleeding money to the Universe. On top of that, I feel like my intelligence is going the other way. Basically, I watched myself do the stupid thing as I'm doing it, and knowing that it was stupid, but still doing it anyway. As soon as I hit the "ok" on the change password, the little voice inside my head said...oh...you shouldn't have done that... Yes, I locked myself out of my work laptop for the entire weekend. Besides dealing with my brain spacing out in my "old" age, let's move on to the shows that I've watched these past weeks. In Blossom I'm all caught up to episode 16 and the love triangle, which, is almost a square, is making everyone antsy. The last "case" with Gu Shan, that was pr...