Marry My Husband Ep 10 (A SqueeCap)
SHUK: After the last episode, I am ready for some sweet times!!
Trotwood: After the last episode, I am ready for some Ji-won badass times. Like I'm ready for her to go all Rurouni Kenshin on these people. Why is it just judo? I want weapons. I want her with a sword.

Weasel has a screaming hissy fit at home, until he is smacked around by WeaselMom. They yell at each other until even I am annoyed. (But at least someone was getting smacked) Weasel decides to bolt for Ji-won’s place and pound on the door.
Ji-won opens the door. Except, it appears she has moved. She is actually opening the door to Sunny and Boss. (I really liked the directorial decision to do this. It really rewards viewers for paying attention and for being emotionally invested--with almost a jump scare because we really don't want her to open the door to him. Really, the relief I felt from this trick) Boss Tree is lugging a massive amount of paper products and a couple bottles of laundry detergent. Also, a sweet little bouquet of flowers, which has them both beaming at each other.


Oh yeah, back to Weasel. (do we have to?) The new tenant at Ji-won’s old place is a hulking body builder. Suplex Weasel to the mat, New Tenant! Sadly, he doesn’t, but Weasel switched into Sniveling Mode instantaneously. (He is such a sniveling coward. He can act like a badass in front of a woman whose arms are the size of pixie sticks, but to a man even a regular size man, he cowers). New Tenant has no idea where Old Tenant went to.
At New Life New Place, the siblings are helping with the unboxing. Sunny is surprised Ji-won moved into a Yoo family-owned apartment (it was once Sunny’s so really she's curious about it being one of her family-owned apartments). She whispers that Ji-won doesn’t need to pay rent because Bro Tree never pays attention if it’s paid or not. LOL.
I just love her and want to bake for for her.
I just love her and want to bake for for her.
During the unboxing, we get the Boss Tree Bookshelf Assistance trope, done very nicely. Sunny looks on, suspicion all over her face. I guess she sees all the pink bubbles just like we do. Unfortunately, she still thinks of Ji-won as affianced.
This needs to be corrected SOON.
When the sibs finally leave, Sunny talks to her bro. She understands how controlled her brother’s life is and is happy that the business marriage with Yu-ra was called off, but now she wonders if there is another reason. He’s trapped for a moment until the elevator doors open, and he quick-marches to his apartment (a floor below Ji-won I think). Sunny hurries to keep pace, still badgering Ji-hyuk. Is there someone else he likes? Is it her new best friend?
I really like their relationship. She clearly loves him and worries about him. He clearly also cares about her. They have grown up without the usually bit that we get from stepsiblings in dramas. They are both such good people in this world. I like that they didn't want people to know they're related or rich just to have jobs and live their lives. She is genuinely worried about him and her friend here.
I really like their relationship. She clearly loves him and worries about him. He clearly also cares about her. They have grown up without the usually bit that we get from stepsiblings in dramas. They are both such good people in this world. I like that they didn't want people to know they're related or rich just to have jobs and live their lives. She is genuinely worried about him and her friend here.
Boss stops short, snarls at Sunny that Ji-won is a good person that he wants to help, and nothing is going on between them, then he slams his bedroom door behind him. Sunny ends up thinking; Ji-won is getting married soon, but her brother has never behaved like this towards a woman. And I bet she feels conflicted, especially since she probably has seen how Weasel really isn't good enough for Ji-won, but she puts up with him for Ji-won's sake. And he . . . he looks so sad after declaring that he won't do anything at all and that he's helping because JW is a good person and he's happy that she's nice to his little sis. Oh, honey. You know you want to do much more, starting with declaring your undying love and hope that she never leaves your side, but you think you don't deserve that. Poor baby. Come let me climb you to comfort you.
Weasel stomps into the office cursing, and when he sees Ji-won come in, runs over to her to start a public argument. (I love how she was smiling so brightly at her co-worker and when she sees him, her facial expression goes into terminator mode). Before he can utter a word, though, she gives him a roundhouse slap felt ‘round the world. Then another. Then another!
You had this all as one paragraph, and I had to break this up because even if you do not insert a gif of this scene it is worth people taking a pause to stop and go back to episode and rewatch the scene. I even stop writing this to go back and rewatch that scene.
It is so perfect--that smacking--that I cheered out loud. Screaming "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!" like my favorite team has just won the World Cup in the final five seconds of regular play. I have stopped counting how many times I have rewatched this scene since it aired. Sometimes, when I know I'm going to have a bad or challenging day at work, I watch it before I go in just to get me in the proper mood. The scene starts at minute 6:25 with the first slap ay 6:34 just in case any of you want to bookmark it.
Weasel yells that it’s unfair to restrain him after being struck three times, but Ji-won yells right back that he has no leg to stand on in the Fairness Olympics. She pulls out racy red thong panties, claiming he’s been cheating with another woman in his car. The office is scandalized, and she balances them on his head.
I have to say that the office reactions are priceless. They are not trying to hide that they are listening, and I'm really interested in these company chats/emails. I have never worked at a company that had these things where you can see company gossip. I have only seen this in Korean and Thai dramas, but is it a real thing in real life?
I have to say that the office reactions are priceless. They are not trying to hide that they are listening, and I'm really interested in these company chats/emails. I have never worked at a company that had these things where you can see company gossip. I have only seen this in Korean and Thai dramas, but is it a real thing in real life?
We get a flashback of the SleazePair indeed knocking boots in his vehicle. Back in the office, he does the usual gaslighting at Ji-won for looking through his car. (which, from the reactions of their colleagues, is an admission of guilt)

Snakey checks a moment to see if her underwear is on, lol.
She also looks both nervous and suspicious.
Ji-won pulls off the TEMU ring; Weasel flinches as if she’s going to throw it at him, but instead she tosses it towards a wall, where it shatters into cubic zirconia dust.
All day, people on all floors and in all departments are talking about the shenanigans going on in Marketing. Disgusting Manager Kim shows back. Maybe he was on administrative leave? Anyway, nobody notices his entrance, too caught up in the salacious gossip.
He's disgusting, but he also seems put out that his return is NOT the news that's going to dominate the company group chat.

Outside, Weasel is rubbing his jaw and whining that strong women are scary. His confusion is interrupted by Snakey, who tells him they aren’t her panties. Snakey is thinking maybe there’s another side side piece, but Weasel knows he’s only done that in his car with Snakey.
In the women’s lounge, everyone is sympathizing with Ji-won. She gets a phone call from Cute Chef who was worried about the family circus at his restaurant. Yang Mom wonders if Ji-won knows who the ‘other woman’ is…
They are also both astonished at the idea that she knew all of this and went to the family meeting anyway. Her outfit from that day now makes complete sense to Sunny (when they showed up with all that toilet paper, JW was still in her taking no prisoners outfit)

They are also both astonished at the idea that she knew all of this and went to the family meeting anyway. Her outfit from that day now makes complete sense to Sunny (when they showed up with all that toilet paper, JW was still in her taking no prisoners outfit)

…which brings us to SleazePair. He’s just screaming like a fool, but Snakey says there’s no reason for the meltdown, he just fell in love with someone else.
She really thinks she has won him over.
She really thinks she has won him over.
Boss overhears.
He looks sad, too. It must be hard to listen to these terrible people who he knows killed her once be terrible again (and moreso) about the woman he loves.
Manager Kim bumps into Ji-won and starts his usual misogynistic rant, but she pays no attention to him. He’s angry but figures it’s just a loser woman thing and decides to go outside for some fresh air.
The SleazePair is still out there with Snakey continuing to push forth the idea that he should follow his heart with her.
Except, he isn’t interested. She has no college, no money, and no prospects. She’s just better between the sheets; still, she needs to know her place.
You all know how much I hate Snakey, but this comment angered even me. He was needlessly cruel here and his self-absorption doesn't actually help him with his focus. Why antagonize her here? It's not very smart. It's like he needed to bring her down since he was down. And sir, what does this make you for continuing to sleep with her while being engaged to someone else if she isn't all that?
You all know how much I hate Snakey, but this comment angered even me. He was needlessly cruel here and his self-absorption doesn't actually help him with his focus. Why antagonize her here? It's not very smart. It's like he needed to bring her down since he was down. And sir, what does this make you for continuing to sleep with her while being engaged to someone else if she isn't all that?
Suddenly Manager Kim howls and attacks Weasel for hurting his goddess. He’s remarkably bad at fighting, but his yelling brings forth a crowd of coworkers, so the whole company now knows it was Ji-won’s best friend from high school who put the 'al dente noodle in her spaghetti house'.
Weasel gets the nickname “Panties Park”, but for sure he deserves worse.
Oh, he does. He's annoyed all the wives, girlfriends, and the mistresses. He's already pissed off the mom crowd.
That night, Ji-won is home when Snakey texts her to talk. The ex-BFF at the old apartment location, though, so for sure Ji-won won’t be meeting her.
The next day, the marketing team is going over media from their taste testing at the grocery store, and someone notices their product is now tossed into a barely-used corner of the cooler case. The report said everything went well, so why is their product treated in a shabby way?
Of course, it’s easy to find out. Yang Mom is at her most explosive volume when she knocks Weasel out of his self-recrimination. How dare he not only incorrectly set up the display, but actually hide the anaphylaxis scare situation from the company! Plus, it turns out he yelled at the grocery store employees instead of fixing it. His mouth damns him when he admits that both Snakey and he were off the grocery floor for a short time together.
Sunny coughs “bastard” as the entire floor put two and two together.(I laughed out loud) Snakey tries to enlist Ji-won’s help in diffusing the situation, but she is not interested in running interference.
She even tries to make everyone not assume what they are assuming, but oh well. This company scandal story is just getting better and better. EVERYONE is talking. Neither of them can go anywhere without hearing something salacious about themselves.

Henchman pulls Weasel into a disciplinary one-on-one. The company media is filtering the intracompany emails and chat boxes for specific words. Including “Panties Park”, but Weasel will have to be transferred somewhere else.
I loved how he listed out all of the names people are calling him.😂
I loved how he listed out all of the names people are calling him.😂
As for Soo-min, she gets the axe, final at the end of day. Alone in the Women’s Lounge (can we pause again at how great this lounge is? When I first watched, I thought she was home because of the bed, but that set up is in the lounge! There is a full on bedroom in that lounge!), she tries calling Ji-won, but the woman won’t answer. And the coworkers have found a way around the word-ban by using alphabet letters. Snakey reviews these; most have her pegged as the seductive vixen. She looks at her phone, filled with one-way texts. It’s clear Ji-won has banned contact with her. She pulls a piece of looseleaf paper and starts frantically writing. Is this another letter to Ji-won?
But wait, there’s more! Yang Mom is officially a manager and now over Ex-Manager Kim. And since MKim’s is a lazy, useless and woman-hating excuse for a human being, he can either take the demotion or quit. Yay, Henchman!
He is having a banner day.
Yang Mom is in the storage room when Henchman walks in. She planned on staying quiet but bolts out of hiding when she thinks he’s going for a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. It’s really mints, though. She admits she comes to the storage room to think in private.
He chastises that ‘you work at work; you don’t think at work’. She points out that he is in the storage room for private think-time just like her. Busted! He calls her a know-it-all, a throwback from a conversation between them long ago.
I've decided that she really gets to him because he can't figure her out. She is quiet and unassuming but just so . . . steady. I feel as if she is like no one he has ever met.
Right now, she tells him that she doesn’t deserve her promotion because the meal kit plan was Ji-won’s. Henchman knows Manager Kim’s previous promotion was because of her hard work not his own. She counters him not to judge people rashly, but admits she is a bit of a pushover. That’s where she is most comfortable. She smiles and leaves him with his thoughts amidst the cardboard.
I've decided that she really gets to him because he can't figure her out. She is quiet and unassuming but just so . . . steady. I feel as if she is like no one he has ever met.
Right now, she tells him that she doesn’t deserve her promotion because the meal kit plan was Ji-won’s. Henchman knows Manager Kim’s previous promotion was because of her hard work not his own. She counters him not to judge people rashly, but admits she is a bit of a pushover. That’s where she is most comfortable. She smiles and leaves him with his thoughts amidst the cardboard.
Yang Mom and Ji-won have a talk. She is now happy to work with good people and wants the younger woman to know that HR knows Ji-won was the backbone of the meal kit project.
Love Yang Mom. She shows you don't have to be flashy or loud to get things done or be a good leader.
Love Yang Mom. She shows you don't have to be flashy or loud to get things done or be a good leader.
Just then, Sunny runs in. There’s a disturbance downstairs.
It’s the Allergy Couple, screaming mad and looking for “Kang Ji-won”. Ji-won identifies herself, only to get slapped by Mrs. AC. Snakey is sneaking away with her Begone Thot box but stops to watch the show. Slimy Ex-Manager Kim cheers. Weasel has some weird twitching reaction but who cares. Everyone gasps, but Ji-won is steady on her feet and calmly asks the couple what’s up.
It turns out that the handwritten note Snakey was working on was a confession letter in Ji-won’s handwriting, posted to social media with a fake “Kang JW” account. More than a confession, it threw shade on the whole love triangle, stating KJW was too weak to keep her man and that the other woman was 100 times better than her.
It also went on to state the AC was faking their hospital stay to get money and freebies from the company. And “Soo-min” was completely innocent in both cases. Ugh.

Mrs AC knows nobody in their right mind would write such a thing. Ji-won agrees, no one in their right mind. She also says that it isn't her but she knows who. Right away, Snakey makes a break for the exit, but Ji-won’s yell stops her in her tracks. She drags Snakey and throws her to the feet of the AC. She yanks Snakey’s phone and opens it up. It doesn’t take long for her to find the fabricated media account on her phone.
Once again, it looks like EVERYONE in the company is in the lobby at this point.
Once again, it looks like EVERYONE in the company is in the lobby at this point.
After seeing the evidence, the couple are incredulous, but believe Ji-won. Ji-won apologizes on behalf of the company but states the perpetraitortrator must personally apologize as well. When Mr AC sees Snakey’s face, he recognizes her as the woman who met with them at the hospital.
Weasel is in the background, quietly panicking.
Because Mr AC mentions his name. He says that "she's the woman that was with Mr. Park."
The employees are all whisper-whisper-whisper about the adulterous SleazePair and their outrageous behavior. Ex-manager Kim is, I don’t know, upset maybe? I think he is miserable because his ideal woman Soo-min is a fake and terrible. Once again, I have to say. He was acting his ass off here. His reactions gave the only humor going in this scene. I mean, I was laughing at Snakey's misery, but it's not funny. Mr AC could have died.
Snakey starts babbling. Among the diarrhea of the mouth, she said she didn’t know what to do and didn’t mean to hurt anyone, and didn’t think about the consequences, sorry sorry sorry, blah blah blah.
The Allergy Couple sincerely apologize to Ji-won, but Snakey isn’t finished. She begs Ji-won for forgiveness, as she is so emotional these days, unable to think straight because…dun dun dun…she’s yes…pregnant!
Weasel falls to the ground, but nobody notices, and nobody cares, least of all me.
I don't either because I know she's lying. There's no way she would be pregnant and not have said something to Weasel or Snakey before this. She would LOVE to be telling them this to rub their engagement in their faces.Later, in that rundown ugly café, he’s down four bottles of soju and is working on his fifth, bemoaning his fate and FML’ing. Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences of putting your spoon in that crazy jelly jar.
He ends up first passed out in the street, then tied up in a cargo storage yard. Two almost-familiar figures loom over him. Weasel tries to bluff toughness but weasels out at a single slam of a container. I laughed when he named his personal loan companies, “Snake Loans” and “Viper Financial”. The masked pair say yes and proceed to intimidate (but not strike) Weasel. He yells that he will get married immediately and give them the wedding red packets.
I guess that not good enough girl is looking pretty good at this point, isn't she my friend? Especially since she is supposedly carrying your child, right?

I guess that not good enough girl is looking pretty good at this point, isn't she my friend? Especially since she is supposedly carrying your child, right?

One of them pulls down his mask – it’s the Chicken Dojo guys! Anyways, they let Weasel go, who scurries off. Next, the guys meet up with Ji-hyuk! It appears Boss put them up to it, but they were more than willing to help. After they head home, Boss stares into the canister flames and whispers Ji-won’s name. It’s clear he’s helping her change her fate, but still thinks his future death is immutable.
Poor thing.
Poor thing.
At WeaselHouse, Min-hwan is trying to convince his mother to front the house money, but WMom refuses, citing his stingy gift-giving in the past, lol. She will only loosen the purse strings with a grandson. His whining causes him a few smacks in the back of the head and a boot to the rear out the door.
So does she know Snakey is pregnant and picking a grandson over a granddaughter? Or does she not know yet and just wants grandkids. And this woman should not be anything's grandparent.

So does she know Snakey is pregnant and picking a grandson over a granddaughter? Or does she not know yet and just wants grandkids. And this woman should not be anything's grandparent.

Weasel ends up at Snakey’s house, I think? He walks in like he owns the place, and is shocked when she is there, but it looks too frou-frou for him. Eh.
Snakey is curled up on the floor looking sad. He asks why she didn’t tell him about the pregnancy, but she is barely talking. Ji-won won’t talk to her, so she’s paralyzed. Weasel figures it’s the baby that has upset Ji-won and made her spiteful.
Because she has NO OTHER reason. You two are such dimwits.
Because she has NO OTHER reason. You two are such dimwits.
At Cute Chef’s wine place, the Nice Girls are celebrating with champagne and canapes. Sunny is all for disposing of bad rubbish and bad friends. Ji-won secretly wonders what Snakey’s plan is, since she knows Weasel has a nonexistent sperm count.
Ha. I was right. She not isn't pregnant. She can't be pregnant.
Ha. I was right. She not isn't pregnant. She can't be pregnant.
At home, Snakey is still going on and on how Ji-won always takes her side no matter what, and why can’t she take her side this time. Weasel thinks they should both let Ji-won go and get married together. He’s using the exact same ‘family’ verbiage as he used on Past Ji-won. Ugh.
He really gets his money's worth out of every phrase he uses, doesn't he? So disgusting.
He really gets his money's worth out of every phrase he uses, doesn't he? So disgusting.
Henchman reports to Grandpa, who notes that none of the recent scandals at U&K were Ji-won’s fault. The AC declined to prosecute the pregnant employee, HR disciplined those involved, and Kang Ji-won’s proposal was confirmed as stolen by Manager Kim.

The next day, Henchman escorts Ji-won to Grandpa’s Abode. I guess he’s warming up, since the room is missing a rock but gaining a huge stove. He probes her a little, wondering if she knows he’s been one of her obstacles. She smiles and agrees.
I love how calm she is. I guess dying once already does that to a person.
I love how calm she is. I guess dying once already does that to a person.
Meanwhile, Ji-hyuk is at the skeet range when he gets word that his crush is at the estate. He wastes no time running to Grandpa’s office.
The two go for a walk around the grounds and talk. She tells Boss that Grandpa is an amazing guy and not that difficult to talk to, especially when she told him the truth. That she didn’t let slide the theft of her idea. Boss knew that Grandpa would like that gutsy response. He also talked about her private life, stating she can’t blame her foot for stepping on crap. Hah!

Cray cray Snakey is doing snakey things. She posts on a darkweb site asking for a fake positive pregnancy test and a fake sonogram. Her smile reminds me of that one underwater grin.
It's actually smart. She can't just pretend forever and have people take her word for it. She's met Weasel's mom. She's got to know that unless she has some evidence, the woman is going to take her to the doctor, if for no other reason than for a check up for the sake of the baby--not her.
It's actually smart. She can't just pretend forever and have people take her word for it. She's met Weasel's mom. She's got to know that unless she has some evidence, the woman is going to take her to the doctor, if for no other reason than for a check up for the sake of the baby--not her.
Back in the Pink Bubble Woods, Boss says that soon the SleazePair will marry and Ji-won will be truly free again. She won’t claim victory until that actually do the deed, but he is pretty confident. After all, Weasel’s financial situation is in the depths of hell, given the demotion on top of all his bad loans.
He offers her shooting lessons. Hmm, he taught her a shoulder throw and she flipped Weasel. He’s going to teach her to fire a shotgun for…? I hope he doesn’t blacken his conscience too much.
I think he's both worried about the crazy people in her life being dangerous. This is also an excuse to touch her. It's a win-win.
I think he's both worried about the crazy people in her life being dangerous. This is also an excuse to touch her. It's a win-win.
I’m a bit leery of his lack of gun safety: no impact glasses, no ear protection, safety off on the weapon; but I’m happy his vest-clad self is carefully cradling Ji-won. Which is better than my first boyfriend did with my gun lessons. Boss is so tall he can almost rest his chin on her head, but the cheek-to-hair is also cute.
This whole thing started in April, but now it’s Christmas. Ji-won makes two bowls of noodles and some banchan for Sunny and her. The foodie loves it, of course. Sunny thinks Ji-won should find a better guy to marry, to make sure she’s happier than her ex. Does she have anyone in mind?
The phone rings. It’s Cute Chef. Ji-won doesn’t want to answer, so Sunny does it for her.
I love how focused Sunny is on her friend. She loves her brother, but from her perspective--and anyone but the viewer who doesn't know what Ji-Hyuk and Ji-won know--the Chef would make a better boyfriend. He's warm and cooks and smiles a lot. Sunny would value the smiling in a big way.
I love how focused Sunny is on her friend. She loves her brother, but from her perspective--and anyone but the viewer who doesn't know what Ji-Hyuk and Ji-won know--the Chef would make a better boyfriend. He's warm and cooks and smiles a lot. Sunny would value the smiling in a big way.
And he shows up in a spiffy well-maintained 2008 Jaguar. Is it his mom’s car, because he drives like Miss Daisy. LOL. He himself is also spiffy in a nice camel wool jacket and shiny white scarf. The trio is all in matching neutral tones! He matches Sunny the best, I think.
Well, we all know why, don't we?
Ji-won finds out about Boss’ drunken stupor at Cute Chef’s restaurant since Sunny retells the story with Cute Chef as the hero. Eun-ho admits that Boss visits his restaurant frequently. Anyway, Sunny abandons them so they can have a nice date, but she herself later pouts on the couch for having no plans on Christmas.
She is just so dang cute. I can't believe that she's alone on Christmas!

She is just so dang cute. I can't believe that she's alone on Christmas!

She catches her brother out of the corner of her eye, grumpily digging into a 5L tub of vanilla ice cream. Remember that she is also pouting because he is eating all that ice cream and won't share! He’s not happy she is playing matchmaker to the Chef pairing, even though he asked her to help. His Christmas plan is clearly to eat all that ice cream to assuage his misery. She describes Cute Chef as boring but handsome, comfortable, and stable. Ji-won’s eyes looked anxious when they left in his car, (probably because of the way he drives more than anything else) but there were clearly hearts pouring out of his.
With that, Boss jumps up from the table and stomps towards the kitchen cabinets. Sunny quickly questions why he is overreacting when he had previously said he didn’t have feelings for Ji-won. He’s back a moment later, though, after literally hacking the ice cream bucket in half, heh. He throws a half into Sunny’s arm and stabs it with a spoon. Another laugh out loud moment for me. It's even funnier because he does it with no expression and just desperation for her to SHUT UP.
BUT . . . Sunny keeps talking, which doesn’t help Boss’ emotion. She thinks Ji-won wants to spend a happy Christmas with warm family time, with twinkling lights, cake, and Santa stuff. His face gets even more stony.
Meanwhile, the date is tripping the ice fantastic at a Bavarian-style indoor rink. Park Min-young is clearly an old hand at ice skating; Lee Gi-kwang is a little unsteady, but they fixed that with a few closeups of fancy stunt footwork. When he heads off to get them something warm to drink, she thinks she sees Boss hand in hand with a woman at the rink, but it’s just her imagination. We already know where her heart is aiming.

The date ends amicably and both seemed to enjoy it. Cute Chef is ready to plan for their next adventure when Ji-won smiles gently and a little sadly.
“You’re a great friend and I’m glad to see the real you. Thank you.” His face falls, but I think he is already aware of the Friendzone Field surrounding them. There’s a bit of sadness for what-might-have-been from both of them, but they bravely shake hands and smile.
I loved this. He is a really nice person and so is she. I hate when shows make one turn into a crazy person and they can't be friends anymore. I'd miss Cute Chef. Also, now I can get my hammer and nails out and build the ship I want for him.
I loved this. He is a really nice person and so is she. I hate when shows make one turn into a crazy person and they can't be friends anymore. I'd miss Cute Chef. Also, now I can get my hammer and nails out and build the ship I want for him.
As she heads for the main door, she hears a loud sneeze from behind a column. Any guesses who it might be? Why, Boss of course, enjoying the brisk night air! She smiles that his coughing is giving Boss lots of that outdoor oxygen..
He chuckles and turns to head in, but she stops him to invite herself over for a nightcap and conversation. Inside is a beautiful Christmas tree and festive holiday decorations. (Exactly what Sunny said she would want) And Cheese Kitty.

She explains her date with Eun-ho, her first love. He’s great, but she turned him down. Boss asks why. Ji-won admits she doesn’t feel the same about him anymore. Instead, she is choosing to be honest with herself. She wants someone whose secrets only she will know. And she would rather climb a tree than eat cake.
She can climb trees AND eat cake, Shuk! But I get it.
Kisseu!! Finally!! She’s on her tippy toes for a sweet kiss, but he’s ready to lean over and double down!
It's sweet at first and then hot!
It's sweet at first and then hot!
We get the Sweet Heat and the Hottie Sauce!
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Together at last. |
It’s about time! I get the slow burn, but I am ready for some couple happiness and some scum stomping-ness. Now that their hearts are in sync, it should be even better to destroy SleazePair and create their own happiness.
This was just a great episode of television. I think the chicken guy scene went on for too long, but I'm not nearly as invested in their friendship with JH as I am with Sunny and Mom Yang. But the good stuff was really good and there was a lot of it.