Marry My Husband Ep 8 (A SqueeCap)
SHUK: A little woodsy romance for our favorite pair. Ji-hyuk is steady and tall as a tree and hopefully Ji-won will have fun climbing him. And formally meeting Cheese Kitty. Our SleazePair, however, are still sinking into the depths of disgustingness. There’s no doubt who will win in the end, but how much crap will the heroes have to wade through?
Trotwood: That kitty is deceptively cute. But then aren't all cats? Our SleazePair, on the other hand, want to be deceptive, but since we already know their story . . .
Our SleazePair traipse down to the river, only to find that the #1 Flag is gone from the Foot Rock. Oh boo hoo.(Good. They deserve only disappointment) Back at the campsite, Ji-won is sneezing a little while warming up with the Nice Girls. She decides to ask them about the statement Boss made while they were in the water. She doesn’t remember her drunken statements from her college days.
But we do, and we are all busy saying "awwww" to really care to notice how incredibly clean and bright this campsite is. Or to wonder why anyone would pack a white sweatsuit to go camping.
She wonders out loud what a man means when he wants to be land? Sunny’s thoughts go right away to food, lol. (of course) Yang Mom also had questioned what came out of her husband’s mouth in times past. The older woman speculates that it’s probably a secret between lovers, and if Ji-won really wants to know, she should sneak him into her RV tonight. (Ha. I was surprised at this comment from Yang Mom. I didn't know she had it in her, but I'm happy she does).Sunny happily squeals at the idea. Honestly, this is the most wholesome pair of friends for her!
She deserves them as much as the SleazePair deserve nothing.
Since Ji-won got the RV, she assumed that Snakey got her past flag, the single person tent. Weasel still got the sleeping bag, so he uses that opportunity to whine outside Snakey’s tent. Ji-won hopes they get…err…”tangled”.
I'm glad he didn't, but I was really surprised that he didn't whine outside of the RV. I mean which would be warmer?
Anyway, Ji-won heads out, only to bump into Ji-hyuk. Boss gently chastises her for putting her life on the line, but she insists she can do anything to change her fate.
Our Adorable Pair are walking through the woods. I can’t tell if it’s present or past, but they easily talk about the twisted timeframe. Ji-won states that Weasel requested money from her, more than likely to purchase a necklace for Snakey. It’s his M.O. to get a girl amenable by giving her jewelry. Ugh, he’s such a sleaze.
He should be punched at least once an episode. Why is there not more punching in this show?
This time, though, the gem was much bigger than the one he bought for her in her previous life. Boss stops short, clearly worried about her feelings. He needn’t worry, though, she is quite focused on her current goals. He’s rooting for her! She asks him about his previous statement; what word did he use? Land? Lamb? Champ? He give her an enigmatic smile and saunters on.
She must be focused, because I probably would be memorizing every word that came out of his mouth at this point. You need to know everything about a tree to climb it, correct?
Meanwhile, Snakey has forced a coworker to give up Flag #4. In the woods, she sees Ji-won waving #1. Oh no, will the past repeat?
I can't believe that she was blithely walking about waving that flag. That flag would have been stuck down my bra underneath two layers of clothes. Also, I thought she already had it before going to the tent? Why is she carrying it around again?
Of course, Ji-won already knows what will happen. She tucks the flag into her vest and sits on a log, waiting. When Snakey tries to grab her name, they get into a tussle. Ji-won has the upper hand and thoroughly thrashes her ersatz friend while pretending to have her bracelet caught in her hair. As she leaves Snakey lying in the leaf litter, she gets a bit of her conscious back. She shouldn’t have, though. Snakey punches her out from behind and rips off her nametag, winning Flag #1. Snakey does a bully’s gloat before throwing down Flag #4.
But if she knows, why is she going to fight her for this. I really don't get the choice here. She has already changed the fate. They didn't fight before, so she needn't have repeated this scene.
At the campfire later that night, it’s time to separate into the sleeping arrangements. Everyone looks around when Sunny calls out for Flag #1. There’s a long pause, then…. It’s Ji-won!!

We go back to the Tussle In The Woods. As Snakey is walking away, Ji-won grabs her leg and they really go at each other. I guess she is the Ultimate Badass. Boss smiles in congratulations.
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Ji-won takedown FTW! |
While getting ready for lights out, Snakey meets Ji-won by the sink. Snakey tries some guilt, but it doesn’t work. Instead, she childishly throws water on Ji-won and asks her why she didn’t let Snakey win.
JI-won doesn’t pull any punches. She doesn’t like Snakey; in fact she abhors her now for her greedy grasping ways. Bitchy McBitchBitch yells that it’s all Ji-won’s fault that she is the way she is. Ji-won admits she’s let Snakey whine and moan and have her way, but those days are over. Grow up, Soo-min!! I cheer and look for fireworks!
Ji-won runs to Boss, feeling bad and upset that she feels the villainess role. Supportively, he confirms that she is a good person who would never hurt others, and that she did what she had to do. Great job, Boss Land!
I do not want Ji-won to feel guilty about anything. She is still only fighting back. The Sleaze Pair keep making terrible choices based on their sense of their fake victimhood.
Soo-min is still shell-shocked by the sinks. In a voiceover, Ji-won knows exactly what her ex-BFF biatch will do to try to hurt her. In fact, we see Snakey’s eyes lock onto Weasel. Yay, the wheels have started!!
As in his previous life, he ends up by Tent #4. Snakey is ready to “converse” with Weasel, but refuses his request to sleep with her best friend’s boyfriend. Weasel is only interested in what’s before him. Snakey agrees, blaming alcohol ahead of time for her behavior.
Nope and nope. I'm repulsed by them. Like I said before, they aren't even sexy with each other.
Ji-won sees them playing tonsil hockey and cries a little when she remembers her wasted past. (At least she isn't crying over Weasel). Suddenly her vision is blocked by a pair of strong hands. He guides her deeper into the woods, so she could meltdown in peace with a protector behind her rubbing her back.
I squeeled because his hands are almost as big as her face.
In another part of the woods, Sunny and Yang Mom are walking off dinner and happily talking about business. Sunny is happy that Manager Kim isn’t there to ruin the fun.
So are we, Sunny. So are we.
When Ji-won is calmer, they sit together on an old stump. She reminisces about the two scums. Young JW thought Snakey was lovely and cute. Young JW knew Weasel was a flake, but ended up going with the flow after the marriage. Boss only wants her to focus on the here and now. And during the entire conversation, he’s been stroking her hand. She is grateful for his presence because she doesn’t feel alone anymore.

He is also grateful. His life is completely planned and predictable, boring with no obstacles or goals. He is happy to transmigrate and meet with her again. They smile at each other and continue their walk.
This was a nice scene. It's important for us to remember that she is as good for him as he is for her.
In the morning, Weasel is in her face whining about sleeping outside. Ji-won counters that she stopped by his space with hand warmers, but he wasn’t there. Hah! He gets all flustered, especially since she mentions Snakey at the same time. They head off for breakfast, all watched by Snakey On The Heights.
I love Ji-won, but once again what's with this outfit. This is not a camping outfit even if she predicted she would get the RV.
We get a short flashback. After finishing up and putting clothes back on, Weasel wants to pretend like nothing happened and not to tell Ji-won and complicate things. But Snakey is not okay with keeping this “a beautiful memory”. Every dog has its day.
Weasel is very attentive to Ji-won (oh, the selfish guilt), but now there are jealous angry eyes watching them. Well two pairs, both Snakey and Boss.
On the trip home, our adorable pair communicate without words. She is convinced something happened and her fiancé is more of a scumbag than she ever believed the first time. There’s still more work to be done.
At home, Snakey starts stabbing the Ji-won faces in her photographs, ending up with a pic of the three of them. She thinks long and hard while looking at Weasel’s face.
Up until this point, I just thought Snakey was just a spoiled witch, obsessed with having Ji-won at her beck and call. But here is where I started to think she was also unhinged. From where does this concentrated rage come?
Weasel, in the meantime, is claiming a testosterone boost at the gym. His previous camping buddy think he’s nuts tapping his fiancée's best friend.
The new marketing is in progress; Snakey and Weasel are assigned together to go to a store for public taste testing and review. Before they leave, Snakey drops a Valentine-looking letter with Ji-won. It’s a rambling letter with the usual “it’s your actions that made me think this was our relationship” drivel.
Seriously, girl. Go away.
Later, she meets up with Boss on a break and shows him the letter. If she didn’t know her previous life, she might actually be moved by it.
These kind of comments take the bite out of my response to Snakey, but my emotions get reminded about how truly sad Ji-won's old life was even before the cancer.
Cute Chef is hard at work setting up for today’s customers. He looks at a particular table, and remembers when Boss was drunk previously. His ramblings included how much he likes Ji-won and how she brightens his humdrum life, but he’s mad that Cute Chef has a long life ahead of him and so is more qualified for Ji-won’s love. It’s clear to me that Ji-hyuk doesn’t think he will live past that car accident.
The level of sadness these two have even in this second chance at life! If we didn't want them to be the end game before . . .
At the store, the SleazePair is setting up the displays. Seducing Snakey is doing all she can to distract Weasel, and is doing a good job. He doesn’t finish the setup and throws everything to the hired temps without completing procedures. He runs to a storage room where Snakey is waiting. We see a flash of an Allergy Warning Poster that clearly was not set up.
This is something I have never understood. I have never been so hot and bothered at work that I compeltely forgot my job. Like work to me isn't the biggest mood killer there is. And they're in charge of the project! I'd feel too much pressure to think of anything else.
At U&K office, Henchman is in a meeting with Ji-won as she competently runs the project update meeting. Afterwards, Yang Mom runs over to him to haltingly thank him for his help in her lead project, even if he was pushed into it.
He casually corrects her: he believed at the time she would do well. Oh, and try to complete her sentences properly or just say “thank you” and be done with it. LOL. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? I’m confused.
I think he is a good guy who doesn't know how to deal with her. She frustrates him because she is meek. I don't think he understands people like her at all.
Sex in the Stockroom. Our SleazePair are rubbing uglies, but it’s clear Snakey has the upper hand. She stops him in order to get a promise, but they were stopped by a frantic phone call. Someone is having an anaphylactic attack after eating a sample of their meal kit.
Just the pure unresponsibility of it all.
At the hospital, Weasel tries to minimize everything, paying the hospital bill and compensation. The wife is upset that there were no allergy warnings on the display, but the victim doesn’t want to prosecute. It’s a lot of money, but Weasel tells Snakey that his investments will soon come to fruition
Except… It’s all over the news that TKU’s CEO has absconded with the company funds and the stock prices has collapsed. Yay, the wheel turns!
Weasel is freaking out at the office in front of Ji-won. It turns out Weasel used all his money, a line of credit, and a personal loan as investment funds. So he's dumber than a box of rocks on top of being a sleazy cheating manwhore.
Seems on point.
Ji-won gets a phone call from Yang Mom mid-tirade and leaves the meeting room. Except it’s not Yang Mom but Boss. She tells him about the Weasel’s freak-out and the private loan.
In yet another stockroom (there are sooo many), Weasel tells Snakey that he must marry Ji-won, even if he likes Snakey. But, you know, Weasel, you can invite the devil in, but whether you can get them to leave is another thing.
In some dirty crappy pop up place, Weasel is chucking back soju with Ji-won. It looks like some old underground pedestrian tunnel with tiny mismatched tables along the walls and toilet paper rolls for napkins. Weasel is being gentle but egocentrically talking about his life’s downturn. Ji-won already knows he’s being dramatic to get her money. He brings up the “M” word, figuring she will give in to her desperate need for family. She internally scoffs knowing he’ll become a violent couch potato if they wed.
It he didn't want me to spit fire, I might admire him doe his laser focus . . . on saving himself.
We don’t hear her answer, but some time later, she’s having a nice walk in the clear air under the stars with her favorite Tree. Boss is walking with her as she repeats the days events; in the past, the marriage proposal started the drain on her finances right up to her death.
They reached a set of familiar stairs (which I thought were part of the college campus but are actually the dojo stairs (I thought they were, too). While they are waiting for the Chicken Guys to finish sparring, she talks about the cute but mean orange kitten she used to feed nearby.
Boss smiles and gives her a bit of his history. He was nearly hit by a vehicle while saving a small kitten who had strayed into the road and ended up tearing up his ACL, in the winter of 2005. It’s an orange tabby cat with a mean temper. She covers her mouth in shock.
SO do we, in fake shock. And then we grin. Finally.
The Chicken Guys finish their sparring, only to find the couple gone. Where did they go? Why to Boss’ house of course! Ji-won wastes no time glomping on the kitty.
While they are playing with it, they discuss future strategies. Since Weasel has lost so much money (at least $375,000 USD), there’s no doubt he will pressure Ji-won to marry him to get both family money and her funds. She has a plan, but she will still have to go through his crap proposal.
We get a flashback of two sandwiches with two tiny candles, and a poorly-written “Will you marry me” on a sheet of paper. She shudders, and we all shudder in solidarity. May she never have to do that again.
I wrote this on social media when I watched this scene that this has to be the worst proposal I have ever seen. And I still feel this way.
On Grandpa’s side of things, Henchman is updating the older man on Ji-hyuk’s movements as well as updates to U&K’s book of business. I can’t tell if it’s under the purview of Grandpa’s company, since Henchman asks if they should buy stocks and invest in U&K Aeronautics. I have a feeling this is Ji-hyuk’s offshoot company and Grandpa would rather keep him under his thumb in the old business.
It’s nighttime, and hundreds of lighted drones take to the sky. Along with fireworks, they spell out “Spring Day” with a heart and kitty (and the kitty is orange!). Nice!! Ji-won smiles at the show.
Suddenly, a well-dressed slick-hair Weasel shows up. He kneels and offers her a TEMU $1.99 ring (snorting with laughter). The drones changed to “Will You Marry Me?” spelled correctly this time around. I’m confused. Is this a nightmare? Where does a pennyless dirtbag whose brain is full of s*m*n come up with this kind of fancy proposal? There’s a small elegant buffet and the main team members from Marketing there as witnesses. Including Boss. Ji-won smiles and accepts the ring.
I knew right away that he didn't come up with this. He couldn't afford it and wouldn't spend this much if he could even if his selfish pea-sized brain could have thought of half of it.
We see people, and we hear thoughts. Boss pledges to help when she needs it. Weasel wonders if she noticed the ring was fake (We all did, arsehole. A broken piece of windshield has more sparkle). Snakey vows she will make sure they never marry. Ji-won knows the marriage will never happen.
It’s time to Marry My Husband!
Wel, it's time somebody did, but I still didn't want it to be her!
I am really puzzled by that proposal. I can only guess that Boss or someone in the office on his behalf volunteered to organize it. Who cares, though, the Macbeths are on stage, Birnham Woods are moving, and everything is set for the big scene.
I assumed that Boss had offered to help him before I saw everyone. And then when I saw everyone, I assumed that Weasel used the whole Marketing team and their fondness for Ji-won to help him plan it.