Marry My Husband Ep 12 (A SqueeCap)

SHUK: This episode was a rollercoaster of emotions, including both squee and disgust. Still, we soldier on to our (hopefully) happy ending. Trotwood: I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure that I would have continued with this show until all the epsiodes were out if I hadn't already read the webcomic and hoped for a good resolution. I kept saying to myself over and over "they can't change the ending, right?" EPISODE 12 We begin this episode with a Ji-won flashback, where she always, even as a kid, worried about her father and the hard work he would do just to keep the two of them with a roof over her head. Yet despite this, Ji-won was still subject to village gossip about her mother. One day after school, she followed him, only to find him following his wife as she cavorted with another man. Poor Ji-won! Poor dad, too. He seems like such a kind man. I'm not saying that the mom should have stayed married to him just because he was kind, but it seems like she di...