Top 5 ... Shower Scenes, Take 2 (The Broody)

The response to the first Shower Scenes Post (SSP) was overwhelming. Thank you all for your interest and support! Quite obviously, however, the first SSP did not cover all Korean shower scenes. Suggestions for more and different ones were made by the dozen in the comment section and I vowed to hunt them down ... all of them. Well, I know I did not get them all; but I got many, many more. This is the first of three additional shower scene posts. Let's start with four broody ones, plus Eric in Que Sera, Sera . This is fanservice for lafer and enz. These ladies will not shut up about Que Sera, Sera and how awesome it is. I'm caving in. Stars Falling From the Sky (Kim Ji-hoon) I know I will have to watch this drama soon, because I have Kim Ji-hoon withdrawal. The hair is terrible, but I do like my Korean actors all sweaty and bothered. Hmmmmm, he is so tasty. Top marks, Kim Ji-hoon, I couldn't give you anything else! 10/10. City Hall (Cha Seung-won) The poor guy. He...