Heartless City (Moojung Doshi) - Episode 14 (A SqueeCap)
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Baksa needs somebody to clean his windows, don't you think? |
Episode 14
Shuk: Baksa drives the two of them to Jin-sook’s place, where he takes apart her phone and tell her to forget about him; it’s the only way she is going to survive. Soo-min desperately tries again to keep the connection between them; she promises to be at the same café where they previously met tomorrow night. He walks away without a word.
JoAnne: It does not suit my notion of cool to have him walking home like a dweeb... but then again, I don't live in an urban area. Sometimes people walk, I get it. But I thought this looked silly on him.
kakashi: Oh, we walk all the time here. And ride buses and trams and trains. Or bikes. And you know what? He might very well have called his driver once he's out of sight. Though ... who is going to get his car from outside the Monster's Lair? Or did he walk there, too?
Shuk: At the Bak Cave, he pulls out a briefcase. Aha! So he did grab the cocaine. Wonder why he didn’t give it to Jin-sook for distribution. He ruminates for a moment while fondling the bags, and the light flickers film noir-esque over his face. He pulls out another flip phone.
JoAnne: The flickering lights mirror the thoughts in his head. Am I evil? Am I not? I vote for human. He's gonna do some shit...but I like him anyway.
kakashi: That's a fan, of course. One of the air distributing kind, not a human fan. Indeed, fans are often used in noir. Why? I don't know.
Shuk: Who cares? Bravo, PD-nim!
Shuk: At the Cave of Confusion, Hyun-min realizes that Baksa Adeul may be leaving him clues. Reporter Cha brings Thighs some food, but he tells her he’s busy. She mutters out loud how did Dead Girlfriend get him in line? I’m thinking, storywise, hasn't it only been a few weeks since he buried her? Cut him some slack, there, chippy.
JoAnne: That is, to the WORD, what I said. She's cute and all but damn she's irritating right now. Go away.
kakashi: Can she please be the next one that dies instead of, let's see ... Soo-min, for example?
Shuk: At the house, Hyun-min thinks on the words of the late Deputy Commissioner. He receives a phone call, and I thought WTF when I recognized the voice. The detective goes on alert when Baksa identifies himself, and bluntly asks him was the red herring/identity of the dead Arthur was a message. Baksa confirms it, and follows with a blunt statement of his own. “I didn't kill Lee Kyung-mi.” Thighs just snarls and promises retribution; Baksa smoothly promises a location. Ooh, is he gonna set up his own sting?
JoAnne: Thighs lost his shit there for a minute, but I'm such a Baksa supporter that I was actually thinking 'Well he wouldn't LIE about that!' Except... for Thighs, how is he supposed to know this? I would suck at undercover, you know why? Because every time a person on the other side thought I was bad I'd be all 'But you know, I'm really one of you - I'm just undercover. So we're in this together and all.' I'd be dead, I know.
kakashi: I do get why Neanderthal needs to be big-big enemy with Baksa for the dramatics of all this, but I do not really get it. He said a while ago himself that he doesn't think Baksa killed her personally. So why is he so obsessed with him?
Shuk: I think he needs someone to hate more than himself for his girlfriend's line-of-duty death.
Shuk: In his vehicle, Hyun-min activates the team without Prosecutor Ahn’s knowledge. And Baksa shows up at the same place he escaped from with Soo-min, what, 24 hour before? Boy’s got a death wish as big as the Himalayas, and balls to match.
JoAnne: Could have knocked me over with a feather. Where is the wheelbarrow for him to carry those balls? Seriously.
kakashi: I don't know, ladies. Maybe he's a little bit, hotly and sexily, insane?
Shuk: Crazed Chairman is enjoying a rare steak when he gets word that Baksa Adeul is there to see him. He scoffs at Baksa for not bringing the girl with him, and Baksa offers him the briefcase of drugs as a gift.
JoAnne: I immediately thought 'Bad move, bad move! The drugs were his to begin with! Abort! Abort!'
kakashi: It's just a pretense, that case. He just wanted to see Big Daddy Scarey again.
Shuk: After activating his team, Neanderthal goes in alone, as usual, clad only in a black t-shirt, jacket, and badass attitude. The Chairman knows right away what Baksa planned, and releases his thugs. We get a great cross fight, with both warriors kicking ass with their respective pile of mooks.
JoAnne: He takes the time to put his jacket back on. BadASS. But did anyone else think that in some of the shots it might not actually have been Jung Kyung Oh doing the fighting? *sad face*
kakashi: Don't look too closely, JoAnne. That goes for many things in life.
Shuk: The Chairman leaves with two minions, but when Hyung-min finally breaches the inner doors, Baksa takes the opportunity to grab the case of blow and head out to the same exit as the Monster. The detective sees him walking away and realizes the similarities between that retreating body and the person he caught at the warehouse. He quickly subdues the rest and chases the other ones. Where’s the rest of the task force? Mayhap looking over the already-unconscious pile of goons in the lobby. Same Eediots, Different Episode.
JoAnne: Arriving fashionably late: It's not just for parties, anymore.
kakashi: That's the slogan for Neanderthal's security company, the one he's going to found after all of this is over.
Shuk: Baksa catches up with the Chairman, and slams him against the wall, offering to visit him in prison. Hyung-min finally shows up, and Baksa pushes the cartel leader into his line of vision, along with the briefcase.
JoAnne: Laughed my ASS off at this. But you know it's pointless in the long run. If this dude spends one night in jail I will eat a live octopus.
kakashi: Ah, octopus. There's a dead one thawing in my fridge right now.
Shuk: Ewww to both of you.
Shuk: There’s a roundup of everyone but our lean mean fighting machine. Chairman Jo clams up, and is led through the precinct to an interrogation room. Prosecutor Ahn sees this, and quickly calls Chief Prosecutor Ji. I called it! Neanderthal Dad’s in the middle of this too. Min also gets a phone call from Chief Yang, and learns that The Chairman has been arrested, thanks to the actions of Hyung-min, and the information supplied by Baksa. His face registers shock, but just for a moment as the Gang of Old Guys enters his office. Who are they anyway?
JoAnne: I believe that would be the city leaders or a board of commissioners, something like that. By the way - Min looked way more pissed off than Ji did, and I think that's important.
Shuk: The Old Guys insist that Chairman Jo couldn’t possibly be involved in something so nefarious; after all, isn’t he a cultural icon and good to children and puppies and donates to good causes? I feel a little ill here.
JoAnne: I completely didn't even consider that he must have a whole other life outside of Drug KingPin.
kakashi: Probably because you haven't seen Time Between Dog and Wolf yet?
JoAnne: No, I have.
Shuk: Baksa’s doing a little rinse-and-spit action to get the blood out of his mouth. He receives a steamy text and goes to meet Min at the church. Min wastes no time yelling at him for getting Chairman Jo arrested, but Baksa counters: isn’t that what the plan was all along? Min says all he wanted was to find a weakness, but now they’ve started a war. Baksa agrees, but what else can he do? He has a tiny temper kicking moment, then leaves.
JoAnne: Why are they meeting in a church all the time now? What happened to that creepy abandoned amusement park? Are we no longer amused? Is that it? Is the church supposed to indicate that Min means Serious Business Now? And really his whole pissed off thing doesn't make sense. They wanted to bring Pusan down, and then it was infiltrate and find the weakness in Pusan...well, either way, goal met. Fucking micromanager.
kakashi: Maybe it's because the next TV production needs the amusement park more. I think I also spotted it in TEN2. And I agree with JoAnne. I don't get it. Baksa did what he was asked and now it's not what he should have done? Plus: I don't think Baksa had a temper kicking moment, I think he hurt his leg and that's why he stumbled. It's to show that he is suffering.
JoAnne: Oh yes, definitely, I didn't see that as temper. I thought he stumbled putting on his shoes. It didn't work for me as a metaphor though.
Shuk: Driving he looks at a couple sharing a late night snack, and he flashes back to the convenience store meeting with Soo-min. He ruefully shakes his head and drops the Pororo bandaids.
JoAnne: He can't stop thinking about her. The whole drive, and now while he's been home for a while. What is she, he's wondering. No, I can't be distracted, he tells himself. I did the right thing telling her to stay away. I don't have time for this, I don't have room for this. And yet, he wants to be with her. You know he does.
kakashi: Don't give in, Baksa. You know ... women. Bad. Thing Adam and Eve. Think original sin. Apples and stuff.
Shuk: But...it's Pororo! How can he not?
Shuk: Bak-fam is collected, and Baksa announces they are going to do both the production and the distribution side of the drug trade. Everyone is surprised, but he has already figured out each person’s job: Cutie-soo will buy the factory and Scale will manage it; Jin-sook is to find and convince Pusan’s drug chemist over to their side. That way, nobody has to have any further dealings with Pusan. Ah, so he circles the wagons and keeps his family safe.
JoAnne: So he's done with being undercover, and he's just going to be a drug lord now? Is that what this is? Because I fail to see how this fits in with his mission to destroy Pusan. I mean, I can see it destroying Pusan but no undercover cop ever was told ' break up this drug ring by creating a rival drug ring that will take its place.' But I do see this as a decision to stick with his peeps. In which case, why can't he have his little Mary Sunshine and his peeps, too?
kakashi: *shrugs* - cause we wouldn't have enough drama then?
Shuk: After the meeting, Jin-sook also mentions that he is declaring war on Pusan. Cutie-soo is happy not to be bored.
JoAnne: It's a good thing you're pretty, Cutie-Soo. And Jin Sook? Girl...that dress is STELLAR. Your best choice by far, although it is more suited to an evening wedding than hanging out at an industrial complex cum secret hideway.
kakashi: All I see is that dress. Me wantzzz it. I'd even wear it just for cooking at home. That's how nice it is.
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Who doesn't want to cook in satin and high heels? |
JoAnne: I am quite sorry to see the softening up of Eun-Soo. I liked her better when she was just an evil ass-kicking bitch.
kakashi: A typical way to destroy kickass female characters. They do it all the time in KDramaland. Remember IRIS2? No? Lucky you...
JoAnne: The kitteh says she is the most ass-kicking female actor out there, so I had hope she would just stay fierce.
Shuk: Soo-min finally gets the lipstick/transmitter out of Jin-sook’s office. Jin-sook shows up, and the girls sit. In typical subtle fashion, Soo-min pipes up: is Director Jo dead? Jin-sook confirms it; because of how he treated Soo-min, he had to go. Once she leaves Jin-sook’s boudoir, she throws away the lipstick. I think that means she now Team Jin-sook.
JoAnne: Perhaps she just wants a more natural look.
kakashi: A small tip for the Special Ineptness Team; next time you use a lipstick as a recording device, do not have it sport a red light. It's, you know ... a give-away.
Shuk: Safari shows up at Jin-sook’s as well. And I have to say I love her dress and desperately want both it and her figure. Anyway, Safari asks if Baksa turned in Chairman Jo. Jin-sook says nothing, even when Safari comes up with the right conclusion; that Baksa has started the war. He wants to meet up with him. She tells him to beg forgiveness from Baksa if he wants to succeed, and to stop making her hate him more than she already does. Aww, his face, a little sad, a little resolute. He stares at her for a long time, until the elevators close. It feels like their relationship is finally over.
JoAnne: I got that feeling too. And it worries me a little for Jin Sook, because there've been a few times where her ass was saved because Safari pulled his punches a bit - and he only did that because of who she was to him.
kakashi: I don't think he'll harm her. He loves her. Or whatever it is these people feel. This was a very sad scene, I thought.
Shuk: Chairman Jo is sweating a bit in the interrogation room, but he still says nothing. Hyung-min spells out everything we know already; Chairman squeezes out an inordinate amount of water from his handkerchief, and puts his tie back on. He must have had the interview timed out in his head because, just then, Prosecutor Ahn bursts into the room and releases him.
JoAnne: Interrogation Techniques 101: Make your prisoner uncomfortable. The room should be uncomfortably warm or cold. But the way dude responds, I know he is just biding his time. He knows his rescue is coming.
kakashi: Love this guy. Hahaha, the way he wrings the sweat out onto the table ...
Shuk: Hyung-min leaps out of his chair and pins Fishy Ahn against the wall. The team grabs their leader and holds him back while the prosecutor explains that there’s not enough evidence for an arrest.
JoAnne: Loved this. He lost his MIND. And then Ahn gets all brave when there's plenty of people to hold everyone back.
kakashi: You seriously are the only one that I see using love and Neanderthal in the same paragraph, JoAnne.
JoAnne: I'm from New England. Huge slabs of granite inspire affection.
Shuk: And the Monster is released. He gives looks over the entire team as he walks away, and finally talks to Hyung-min. Only to tell Neanderthal that he will see him soon. The detective, impotent, shoots dagger-eyes at Prosecutor Ahn.
JoAnne: Why waste your time, Yum? Go see his boss. You know you wanna.
Shuk: In a Japanese restaurant, Chief Prosecutor Ji (Neanderthal’s Dad, you may remember), and Chairman Jo share sake and intel. Monster offers to take care of Baksa and Safari once they are caught by the police, purely out of the goodness of his heart, and Thigh’s dad hopes they don’t have any more “misunderstandings”. They both promise to do their best.
JoAnne: This was extremely interesting to me. A number of things were made clear: One does not work for the other. They may both work for the same shadowy figure, ultimately - but even that I am not so sure. I think they dislike each other but have an uneasy truce. Neither will push too hard against the other, and they will coexist in some sort of way and 'everyone' - meaning the dicks in power, including them - will win. Very much a situation where 'better the devil you know'.
kakashi: Pretty much as it is in real life, I'd say. Live and let live. I don't think there is a bigger Bad here, necessarily.
Shuk: Ji warns him to make some distance between his late son’s business, and his own. Jo mentions that Hyung-min is a lot like his old man, and the old man needs to take better care of his own son.
JoAnne: Hackles: raised
kakashi: That was a threat, I'd say. Or at least a warning.
Shuk: His own son is drowning his sorrows in soju at the house when Soo-min arrives. He jumps on her for being out of touch for 13 hours, worried what Kyung-mi would think if something happened to her. He tells her he failed; Baksa used him to attack Pusan. That’s all we hear, and he wakes up the next morning on the couch, with a Hello Kitty note from Soo-min and some bean sprout soup.
JoAnne: Pouty sad face for Thighs. He needs love, too.
kakashi: Bleh.
JoAnne: I believe it is, yes. Although for a minute I was hoping it was a pre-perm Safari with Jin Soo, and that they also have a childhood connection.
kakashi: Of course it's Shi-hyun and Kyung-mi! And we also know that church from earlier. And now, Safari knows about the connection.
Shuk: Returning to the Restaurant of Back Door Deals, Chief Prosecutor Ji places a little seed in Fishy Ahn's mind that President Jung and Baksa Adeul are the same man.
JoAnne: But does he KNOW that, or is he just smart? And do they want to bring down Doctor's Son? The bad guys don't want him either, so...does their wish to get him mean a sort of support for the bad guys?
kakashi: And especially ... WHY do they want to bring down Doctor's Son?
Shuk: Perhaps Ji and Jo see him as a true threat, for all their posturing that he's just an annoying fly.
Shuk: The female prosecutor is investigating Ahn Doll Joo-young, and passes the information on to Hyung-min. He looks at a picture of her, and realizes she is Soo-min's friend from the orphanage. She is currently dragging a drunk Ahn back to her place. He slurs accusations of her being in cahoots with President Jung, and demands she tell him who Jung really is. She stays tight.
Shuk: The detective is meeting with Reporter Cha, who has been investigating Arthur. She tells him that Jo's company shares had been transferred to his wife, who wasn't particularly upset at her husband's death. The talk turns personal, and they agree to meet for a late night movie.
kakashi: Have we met the wife? Will we meet the wife? Is she the next completely insane person going to come up from Busan?
Shuk: At the precinct, Daddy Ji and Baby Ji have a cold conversation. Dad tells him to get over the dead detective; Son insists on knowing why the arrest warrant for Chairman Jo was denied. Stalemate.
JoAnne: Everyone acts like the poor guy has been moping over this girl for years. It's been weeks, she was murdered in front of his eyes, and he was going to marry her. She was carrying their child. Give him some time to grieve, people! Daddy Ji confuses me because his behaviors and attitudes seem to go back and forth between protecting his son from some ugly truths about their city (and perhaps himself) and being completely onboard with son knowing the truths, but only if he'll join Daddy's team.
kakashi: Plus, he has a son in special care because he's a drug victim.
Shuk: Report Cha gets stood up by Hyung-min, even though he is watching her from across the cafe where she was waiting.
JoAnne: Why. Is he interested, but unwilling to be so? She just reminds me of Min Young so much.
kakashi: Seriously. I don't get this side-side-side plot.
Shuk: Baksa is on his Thinking Couch. Is he going to show up at their cafe and see Soo-min? Nope, he parallels his arch-nemesis and leaves the cafe without her knowing he was watching her. Joo-young does show up, though, and Soo-min cries on her shoulder. Later, she cries some more in her room.
JoAnne: I think Kakashi will say he's just there to gather more intel on her, but I think his heart wants to meet with her and his brain says it's a bad idea and this time, his brain won.
kakashi: Oh, no, I guess he's not sure what to do with her. Love her, kill her, both. Just kidding.Of course he's drawn to her and puzzled by his feelings. I never doubted that.
Shuk: Baksa meets with Cutie-soo; he has decided to let Meth Kim go. Cutie refuses: He is the guy who killed his girlfriend and stabbed him. A quick abshot of the knife scar and a promise to punish Meth Kim. He heads to the building where Meth Kim is secured to a metal column with white rope. He advances with a blurry knife, but somehow Meth Kim secured a metal pipe. One whack, and he's running out the door and leaving Cutie writing in pain on the floor. Hyun-soo immediately recovers and calls Baksa, warning him that this is the last time he'll let Meth Kim go. Aww, he staged the whole thing. I kind of thought the cardboard box full of shovels and metal pipes was overkill, though. Still, yay, bromance!!
JoAnne: Made me laugh. Where the f*** is Halibut?
Shuk: Maybe Halibut was The Big Bad the whole time? Nah [grabs another straw]
kakashi: Meth Kim? The best runner in the history of KDrama. If you can call the waddling running. And I'm a bit sorry Cutie Soo is such a marginal character. He really IS hot.
Shuk: Meth Kim makes it to the road and hails a taxi. He borrows the cabbie's phone to call Safari with news of his escape. Safari is understandably curious on how easy the escape was. Meth Kim wants to meet up with him, but Safari advises the dealer to turn around and go back to Baksa. Why? Because he's the bait to catch Safari. That man's genius brain is a nice counterpoint to Baksa's intellect, who by the way, is the cabbie. He knocks Kim out and takes the phone. Safari tells him The Chairman has been released, and the two of them need to cooperate to survive.
JoAnne: I thought that cab was too convenient. Funny as hell though.
kakashi: Something that I really like is how smart Safari is. He always gets it. Right away.
Shuk: Baksa asks a question near to his heart. Why did Safari betray the police? Safari pauses for a moment, and verbally shrugs it was for the money. He changes the subject and tells Baksa he looked into Kyung-mi's murder (while staring at the picture from the orphanage). His conclusion? Chairman Jo. Whut?
JoAnne: Gotta be a misdirect. And right now I'm laughing at the expression on Meth Kim's face right up there.
kakashi: ScreenCapping 101: Always go for the derpest faces.
Shuk: The taxi is stopped in the middle of a lane, but Baksa jumps out to perform an Agitation Dance on the street. Chairman Jo planned to kill both the detective and Baksa to taunt the police. I have to throw the BS flag down on that play, since the sniper had plenty of time to kill Baksa (and Shi-hyun should know this, since he supposedly had sniper training too).
JoAnne: I'm with you on this one.
kakashi: Yeah. Utter BS.
Shuk: Safari asks him why this information is so important to him - is there a deeper link between the dead detective and him? There is no answer. Instead, Shi-hyun goes to the
Shuk: Baksa and Safari talk as they both look over the river. Baksa says he comes to this location on the death anniversary of his mom. According to Safari, Jung Mi-hee was a strong and beautiful person, and best friends with Jin-sook. Oh man, another past relationship link.
JoAnne: I always assumed they'd been friends, ever since that first card-game. I wonder what else I assume that I perhaps shouldn't.
kakashi: Yeah, We knew they knew each other and were and friendly terms. I think here it's mentioned because of what comes next.
Shuk: Baksa calls him Uncle Duk Bae and asks him why he killed his mom. Safari is surprised and wondered if that was the reason Baksa had chased him. He tells the younger man that his mom was one of his distributors, and that he never supplied drugs for her personal use. Oh, gack, was she somehow killed too?
JoAnne: I IMMEDIATELY know where this is going. Shit.
kakashi: Of course. Lying liar Min! He is the one that told Baksa that Safari killed his mother.
Shuk: Baksa freaks out and grabs Safari by the lapel. Safari decides that rational conversation is not likely and tells Baksa to call him when everything is sorted in his head. After he leaves, Baksa staggers under the Seongsan Bridge, almost paralyzed from the weight of revelations. He remembers his younger self giving a bag filled with white powder and little baggies to his mom from his sanchoon, and finding his mom dead, grabbing all the available cash, and running. Oof, that poor poor younger self. The adult self lets out almost animal sounds in his pain.
JoAnne: Poor Baksa. Safari is only guilty to the extent that he, himself, is guilty. Which is not true, because he was a kid who hadn't a clue, and his mother and Safari were grown ups. But still.
kakashi: The hurting of his own hand that took part in his mother's death? A bit over-dramatic for my taste. As is the breakdown scene. But I'm willing to forgive him.
Shuk: Min receives a text from Baksa, and meets him at the church. Shi-hyun asks Min how his mother died. Min says yes, she died of an overdose, and Shi-hyun stands up to head out. Min tells him that if it is too difficult to complete the mission, it's okay to leave now, and he can still join the police force. Seriously, Min, do you honestly expect him to believe you?
JoAnne: Because we sure as F*** don't.
Shuk: Please see the BS meter above, because I'm sure this one pegged it.
kakashi: I am not sure what Min's real feelings towards Baksa are. And why the whole undercover game, starting with Safari. What IS Min's stake in all this?
Shuk: Shi-hyun lifts the older man up by his jacket, and yells with crazy eyes: "Why did you do this to me?!!" Min tries to reply, using his given name, but the young man cuts him off:
Shuk: And with that, he leaves with the Superintendent calling out to him."Don't use that name. I'm Baksa Adeul. Now everything is finished."
JoAnne: Poor guy. Initially I'd have said he just figures he's part of the dark side now and always has been, but after a bit of conversation on other aspects of the drama over the last few days, I'm revising my theory. I think now he feels like no one is the good side or the bad side anymore. Everyone is just as dirty as everyone else, himself included. And if everything is just shit he might as well stick with the life he made with the people he cares about and not worry about good or bad anymore.
kakashi: I think the turning point is in this episode, when he realizes that he trafficked the drugs that eventually killed his own mother. This sin is so big, there is no way back. Never. He is doomed and all hope is lost.
JoAnne: Exactly.
Shuk: This recap took longer than usual, partly because of my crappy PC, but also because of the amount of information given to us. Some of the bigger players are now showing their hand, leaving the middle management guys scrambling for some type of leverage. Safari's team is further ahead from an information point of view, but Team Baksa excels at the last minute changeup and overall has smarter members. I've no doubt it will be a battle to the death there.
JoAnne: They should really just team up TOGETHER and topple Jo.
kakashi: And people should start donating so that Shuk can by herself a new PC. Or why not go Mac, sista?
Shuk: When the new MBP comes out, unni. [adding coins to a jar] [thinking about the cost][adding dollars to the jar]
Shuk: And our Investigation Team, if I can say that without curling my lip, is strictly on mop up duty. Your leader is a wildcard, playing lone vigilante, and gathering data from media sources and gangsters alike. If they manage to get the jump on anybody, I'll soju bomb.
JoAnne: Since they are so ineffective, I wonder if that's actually a statement of sorts. Not against them, necessarily, but a comment on how pointless the struggle is, when everyone is in tacit agreement about letting sleeping dogs lie. Because you know, even if the Inept Squad was formed with an ulterior motive on Min HongKi's part, and even if some of its members are not exactly straightforward in their loyalties... the truth is that Ji Hyung Min's desire for revenge dovetails 100% with the stated mission, and while his methods are questionable, his motivation and end goal is not. He is fighting to take down the bad guys.
kakashi: Maybe it's for the comedy. It would be too dark otherwise.
Shuk: But what of our boy? I think Baksa is now solely focused on bringing Chairman Jo down by any means necessary. Assuming Safari is telling the truth (and let's face it that is speculation at best), Jo now represents everyone and everything that has ever gone wrong in Shi-hyun's life, topped off with the cherry of the kill order on Soo-min, where, for the first time since his mom died, he has experienced the warmth of a friendly human. Oh yeah, like JoAnne likes to say, it's on like Donkey Kong.
JoAnne: Oh yeah. He's ready to fuck some shit up. And that duck face down there is disturbing.
kakashi: Is it Monday yet?