CUBIC (A SnarkCap) -- Episode 4

Trot: I have already given up on trying to make these snarkcaps shorter. My new goal is to not make them any longer. I think I failed this time, but we finally got LLS's backstory. Does that make up for it or for the quantity of stare acting we had because of the backstory? There are loads of Robe poses in this episode people, but they come near the end, so be patient. Kmuse: You can't go around cutting out important stare acting or robe moments (preferably, both happening at the same time.) You can't rush a good stare or a good snarkcap. Shuk: I think our dear squeeglets will love us no matter what. As long as we supply quality snark. Oh, Patrick. You know you aren't going to win, right? Even if you are the only person doing legal things in this entire drama who doesn't die.