Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #410

Anne: Hello everyone, again I am one day late. I really have no excuse except that I needed to finish work last night. The 5 year old boy started space camp this week and he is very excited. Although he always tells me that he doesn't remember anything that he did during the day. Today, when I asked specifically if he had milk during lunch, he says that "No milk. We get to choose water or juice." I then asked what he picked, and he said juice and then added, "No one picks water." Sounds about right. And now on with the shows! A Dream of Splendor I wake up Sunday morning, and they dropped the rest of the episodes. So I spent the rest of Sunday afternoon binge watching everything to the end. This will be an overall review of the end with little details so I don't give away too much for those who is still waiting. As expected, happy endings all around. Although the "mis-understanding" between the leads did last a bit TOO long. And seriously, no one ev...