PPL My Show! -- The Gu Family Book Edition

bcook: After reeling from the Kdrama version of the Red Wedding (*GoT ref. #1) and reading all the accusations of Product-Placement (PPL) and selling of creative soul (that means you GFB writer) I started wondering.... how many products are they plugging in the last 10 minutes of Episode 24?? kakashi: People are actually googling this, you know. It really seems to be a hot topic in the Dramverse. I am feeling quite lucky I haven't watched this show, with all the outrage out there for how it's ended. But PPL spotting? Count me in. PPL in Gu Family Book Episode 24 Let's walk through and see what there is to see! We open the scene with an awesome panorama of all the things valuable to House of Gu (GoT ref. #2) and the first of many (oh my so many) PPL items. The Phone (Samsung): This is normal, regular ppl. Samsung basically = telephones when it comes to South Korea. Expected. They even found a way to get a samsung in a sageuk in Faith. Aww he saved her flower! I...