Rants and Weekly Raves #230 (RAWR)

JoAnne: You know how we've all been saying the weather this winter is crazy, how we can have a snow storm on Monday and then Spring-like temperatures a couple days later? I can beat that. This morning on the CT shoreline we woke up to freezing temps, iced over cars, and lots of slush with ice underneath. This afternoon it's almost 50. What's it like where you are? kakashi: Stop using Fahrenheit, my friends. Nobody gets it. But yes, ice cold nights and really warm days is what we're having too - spring is coming fast. I had a lovely, sports-filled vacation in the mountains and am ready to take it really slowly at work for the next 6 months or so. Shuk: We have have almost three weeks of nothing but cloudy drizzle and rain, with one sunshine morning somewhere in the middle. I think they have put giant sponges on the snowplow trucks just to push the water off the roads. Panda: Our high was 59F yesterday and 21F today, so yes, the weather is having a right laugh....