Cinderella And Her Four Knights - Episode 8 (A SqueeCap)

Shuk: Our gang is camping out together as another way of bonding everyone together. For us, it's just more of the same stuff, just in a prettier setting, with sheep and wind turbines. Kmuse: Who doesn’t love a scenic wind turbine? I know it always adds that extra romantic va va voom for me. SakiVI: This episode was just full of cliches that I hated to no end. Episode 8 Ducky wakes up, still in his pajamas, inside the corporate airplane. Apparently, he's a really bad flier, because he starts panicking and shouting. Everyone else various reactions from boredom to amusement as he is finally put back in his chair to have a mini-meltdown. Trotwood: To be fair, I think I'd be a bit freaked out if I went to sleep in my own bed and woke up on an airplane. The only people for which this would be normal would be babies who are constantly falling asleep in one place (car seat, crib, etc.) only to wake up in another (mall, Target, park, etc.). JoAnne: Yeah, I'm with...