Goddess of Marriage - Episode 27 (KimJiCap)

kakashi: Hwaiting, everyone! We are 10 episodes from the end! We're getting there! But what will happen in the next 10+ hours? Will somebody die a horrible death? (Yes, please!) Will we see tears? (Of course!) Will Tae-wook shout? (I am expecting it!) Will the Goddess of Marriage finally appear? (Lost all hope for that) JoAnne: She's going to appear and smite them all for messing things up so completely. I still say the only woman who's got any kind of good marriage is the older sister, and she still had to go through a ton of crap. kakashi: I hate this episode for trying to make me hate Tae-wook and I love this episode for giving us hope that the Kang Family might fall after all. JoAnne: I am SO DISAPPOINTED in him. And my GOD do I want that family to just crumble into dust. They are unbelieveable.